Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Put your white away...

What a blurr of a weekend.

Friday up at 4:30 to get on the bus to go to the Payson tourney. All day at the gym, late night then another day at the gym.
Our team did really good. Our pool was a really stacked one and we were hoping to get in the top three. We came out 1st! Then we ended up getting second over all. The girls did so good. My little sister, Lee, got MVP of the whole tournament!! We are so proud of her! She is flat out awesome. Don't let it go to your head Bean ;)
Saturday evening we went out to camp with the Brooks and Davis's for their family reunion. It was pretty cool, and fun to see everyone. Bode is such a terror. He has no fear or the concept of a boundary. So we spend more of our time running after him. I guess it was the Flemming Family Reunion. It was really neat to see so much family gathered together. I want to do something like that with my family someday.
We got back Sunday night. On Monday morning Jer and I decided to get a new entertainment center. Our old one had seen better days. We didn't want to but a big really nice one, if you have ever been to our house there is really only one corner where a tv can go, and there isn't space for a big one. I want to wait until we are in a place where there can be a whole wall dedicated to an entertainment center. So anyway there was wal-mart I had wanted and when we went there was only one left and it was 1/2 off. Yeah! So even though it isn't the best quality, it is definitely an upgrade.
I forgot my camera when we went camping so I missed out on some good pictures. I know the Brooks took a few... I would love to have a copy! So here are some random Bode pictures. I was making the bed and he wouldn't move so I made it around him. He thought it was great and just sat there and watched a movie in all the pillows.

Yummy corn on the cob!!!


  1. Bode is so photogenic. Jelous of the new entertainment center. You could have had mine...but then I would have had to get one.... :)

  2. Thanks for coming camping with us. We loved having you guys and hope you had fun!

  3. Congrats on the tournament. I know that one of the coaches from here was really proud of our girls too, and said that it was such a stacked tournament. Way to go Blue Ridge!!!

  4. wow.. what a busy weekend indeed!!


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