Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oh how I wish I could go outside...

Is this not the saddest picture ever!?! Stat it doing so good. He got the drain out of his front leg and now has a purple wrap on his leg. I think it is purple becasue a couple of the tech's kept calling him a "her." Oh well. He is still on pain medication and antibiotic's for like 6 more days. He must have thought he was good yesterday becasue he played hard and woke up this morning with a pretty swollen paw so he had laid low all day. He can go outside, but not for long periods of time, just to keep everything clean. He is mostly an inside dog but when I am gone at practice and Jer is at work he loves to play outside in our backyard. So I guess he misses it.


  1. Poor Stat. Soon enough he will be outside again getting into trouble. Are you guys sure he isn't a girl? Just kidding

  2. OH, that is so sad! He's like a little kid on a rainy day. :(

    That post of Bode singing was priceless! Don't you just love having children??? I do!

  3. That is such a cute and sad picture! Is he going camping or our your parents going to keep him?? Rusty will be SO sad!

  4. Oh my gosh!! That's a great picture. It makes me feel bad for him.


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