Monday, September 10, 2007

Crash and Burn!!!

Ok, don't judge me for watching Brittney Spears opening performance at he VMA's last night, but I did. And it was awful. I was, key word "was", a fan in high school. But have since then gotten way over that. But I was curious to see if she could pull off a comeback. An the answer is no. It was only like 3 minutes long and it was pathetic. She was off on her dancing, and she poorly lip-synced the whole thing. Someone needs to tell this girl that it is OK to wear more than underwear especially out in public. I was embarrassed watching it and I think she was embarrassed to preform. Better luck next time...if she can book a show.


  1. I watched it too and all I could do was laugh. It was seriously horrible.

  2. That is so funny, right before I checked your blog Carrie was talking to me about how bad her performance was! I didn't get to see it but have it recorded... now I have to watch it to get a good laugh. How come she is so interesting to see fail?

  3. Haha. Ditto to what you wrote! She was terrible! If that is the big's not lookin so hot for ms. spears.

  4. Oh my goodness. Her performance was soooo bad! She is going down fast! I've been a fan of Britney too... but I have a feeling this CD isn't going to be quite up to par. Especially when the beginning of her "comeback" song says "Its Britney Biotch"! Yikes!

  5. I missed it!! Dang it. So honestly, I was rooting for her to make a big come back - but even a few weeks ago when I heard her new song, I was thinking, she's going to need somethin better than that to make up for all of the craziness.

    Saw your hubby the other night at the game. It was Jace's little bro's first game back after a knee injury - and I think he was a little disappointed that Thatcher got SPANKED by Blue Ridge. But I'm just coming to the realization that Pinetop/Lakeside (or whatever town Blue Ridge HS is in) produces AMAZING ATHLETES!!

  6. I feel sorry for her, she must not have any friends. :(

  7. We tried to catch it too, but we didn't see it till they showed it on the news and internet. Horrible! She needs to just let it go and be done!


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