Monday, April 30, 2007

Sorry Jess... I lifted them off your blog!

We went down to the valley thins weekend to get some pictures done. Our friend Jessica took these for us. All of them turned out so great!! I couldn't wait for the CD so I lifted them off her blog, hope that's OK,
I wanted to show off your great work!!
This is one of my favorites. Bode has such a cute little smile in it.

I can't believe we have been married for two years!

This one is the best. I love his grumpy face!!!

Next Time Won't You Play With Me...

A - Age: 22 years, 9 months,
B - Bed size: Queen… hopefully a king by the end of the year
C - Chore you hate: sweeping!!
D - Dessert you love: cheesecake! Or just about any kind of chocolate ice cream
E - Essential start your day item: Brushing my teeth
F - Favorite actor(s): Owen and Luke Wilson, Jack Black, Sarah Jessica Parker
G - Gold or Silver: Gold because it is so classic
H - Height: 5' 10”
I - Instruments you play: The piano, but I don’t play so much any more
J - Job title: Wife, Mother, Maid, Volleyball coach, ext…..
K - Kid(s): one for now
L - Living arrangements: 2 bed 2 baths in Lakeside AZ
M- Favorite month: I love the summer months, but October up here is great. I love the changing leaves
N - Nicknames: “Hide”
O - Overnight hospital stay other than giving birth: Only once and it wasn’t over night, I had an uti and was dehydrated.
P - Phobia: Not sure… I don’t like calling people on the phone, is that a phobia?
Q - Quote(s): I have a book full… to hard to choose
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: two brothers, two sisters
T - Tattoo(s): Nope
U - Unique talent: My talents are pretty normal.
V - Vegetable you hate: beets, they taste like dirt
W - Worst habit: ask my husband
X- If you were told to Xerox a part of your body what would you agree to: hands or face.
Y - Yummy food you make: Jeremiah love my tacos, I like my enchiladas
Z- Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Monday, April 23, 2007

Little stinker

So here is my little stinker. He got into a box in the closet and pulled out one of my nursing bras. He can swaggering down the hall like he had found some kind of prize.
Not a big surprise but this kid loves to eat. He is going to eat us out of house and home. Banana's are a big hit right now. He would eat two or three if we let him.

Messy face.
Bode gets into the Tupperware cupboard all the time. A few nights ago he pulled out this one full of cookie cutters and tossed it on the floor and sat on it. He was so proud. He has the chunkiest little legs. They are so rollie.

So far it has been a good Monday. My house is clean and I finished all my laundry early so I have a bit of free time today. The weather has been cruddy all weekend and continuing into the week. There has been a mix of snow and rain for the past few days. Plus it is dang windy. It will be a nice break to go the valley this weekend and feel the heat.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I love to read!!!

Bode loves to look at books. He has a shelf of books in his room that he pulls books off of and sits and flips through the pages. He turns the pages and babbles to himself for ever. His latest thing in to sit in the corner and read. I love this kid to death.

Bode and Mom. I would like to say he is a mama'a boy, but no. He loves his dad. He is such a grump when he wakes up for me. It takes about 20 minuets for me to make him happy. But for Jeremiah he is happy so fast. They are two peas in a pod.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hats and Fire

Bode is getting more and more fun every day! He is starting to mimic everything we do. He will find a bra and and pull it around his body, like Mom. He loves to find Pepsi can and drink it, like Dad. He finds a brush or comb and brushes his hair, like Mom. But this cracked me up. He found this hat at my Mom's house and I spied him around the corner putting it on his head and making faces in the mirror. So I ran for the camera and he did it for me again.

Jeremiah just about blow up his jeep yesterday. He was welding a piece by the drivers side door and it caught some things on fire inside of it. All we saw from inside was Jeremiah running to turn on the hose yelling for my Dad to grab the hose to put out the fire. Inside we heard the commotion and ran outside. Lee, being quick on her feet, got the fire extinguisher. At about the time she was running up the stairs my Mom had the same thought and ran down the stairs. The collided and knocked each other over. By then the fire was out. It was a bit scary, but quite funny just the same.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Old news is good news.

So Jer and I were reminiscing last night about our Thatcher days. So since I didn't take any Easter pictures (oops) I figured I'd post some old ones. This is Jeremiah and I outside of our little house. Seriously, we have talked about what a piece this place was be we were not kidding. It was like 500 years old. Infested with bugs and scorpions. There were gaps in the floor, the swamp cooler didn't work and we froze all winter long. We had a little heater that only heated a 3 foot area. So all I could do was bundle up in sweaters and blankets. The heat didn't make it to the kitchen, so I did the dishes with a scarf wrapped around my head.

Here is the front view. The tree to the right fell over one weekend while we were gone. I missed the house by like 5 inches.
This is too funny. The bathroom had two doors. One for the bedroom and the other from the kitchen. If you could call this a door. Why in the heck would someone build a door this small!?!
This is our little kitty Bitner. He was the best little kitty. Jeremiah got him for me before we got married. Like two days after that we lost him, we searched everywhere in the house and around the block, but couldn't find him. We were so sad, like almost to tears. (I say almost but really I was crying) Later we were eating dinner and Jer said a prayer that we would find him and right on queue Bitner popped his head out from underneath the couch. We were so dang happy! I wish we still had him, but we moved into a small apartment and he couldn't handle being in such a small place, (my fault, I kinda made him crazy, but that is another story) and we had to get rid of him. What a sad day.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Jer and I. It reminds me of how buff we were once. Jeremiah was huge and back then I could bench 150 lbs. Not anymore!! Life goes by so fast. I am so glad Jeremiah have had so many wonderful memories together. Makes me grateful for the small steps we have taken together in our first two years of marriage. Anyway have a great week everyone!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Happiest Place on Earth

Last week end was great. My Mom, sisters and I ditched the kids and husbands and escaped to Disneyland and California Adventure. We had a blast. We almost didn't make it due to sickness and some other things but thank goodness we did. Bode came down with strep throat plus on ear infection, and Jill's son Quinn had pink eye. But it all worked out and we go to go anyway.
This is my little sister Lee. She is a junior in high school and a stud volleyball player. We are at a Bug's Life 3-D show, that explains the glasses.
Starting with me on the left, my Mom Tricia, my little sister Lee and last my older sister Jill.
Gross picture I know, but it is a long drive and Lee and I were bored, hence the thin mint teeth.

This ride gets you soaked!!! I was the only one worried about getting all wet and guess who got the most soaked... me. All down my back, butt and legs!!

Hope everyone is doing great!

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