Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hats and Fire

Bode is getting more and more fun every day! He is starting to mimic everything we do. He will find a bra and and pull it around his body, like Mom. He loves to find Pepsi can and drink it, like Dad. He finds a brush or comb and brushes his hair, like Mom. But this cracked me up. He found this hat at my Mom's house and I spied him around the corner putting it on his head and making faces in the mirror. So I ran for the camera and he did it for me again.

Jeremiah just about blow up his jeep yesterday. He was welding a piece by the drivers side door and it caught some things on fire inside of it. All we saw from inside was Jeremiah running to turn on the hose yelling for my Dad to grab the hose to put out the fire. Inside we heard the commotion and ran outside. Lee, being quick on her feet, got the fire extinguisher. At about the time she was running up the stairs my Mom had the same thought and ran down the stairs. The collided and knocked each other over. By then the fire was out. It was a bit scary, but quite funny just the same.


  1. That's sad and kind of funny about your mom and sister running into each other!! If it wasn't such a serious situation I'd probably laugh my head off if I was there. Hope there was no permanant damage with the jeep!

  2. Good job on teaching Bode Pepsi Jer! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks, hopefully Bode can teach Kernan how to walk!!

  3. OH my.. good to hear that everyone is ok. What a scary moment! That would have made a great sitcom moment. ;)

  4. That's funny right there, I don't care who ya are! Good job Joncy.


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