Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Husband's say the darned things...

So Jeremiah and I were talking about eBay. He said I was some kind of eBay fiend. I asked him to name one thing that I got from eBay. This is what he said "what about all that stuff you got from the Harry Pottery Barn". I busted up laughing. He was talking about the bathroom set from Pottery Barn that I got on eBay.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!

We have has a great low key Christmas this year. On Christmas Eve we went to a party at a family from our old wards house. It was fun and the food was great!! Bode has now definitely mastered the stairs. They have two sets, one of which is a spiral one and he had fun going up and down each set, being followed by who ever was watching him at the time.

The evening wore him out so when we got home he was sleepy but got to push back his bed time to watch "A Christmas Story" with me until he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.

"Santa Who!?!"

Jeremiah is enjoying his time off by playing X-box. He is all excited because tomorrow he is going snow boarding. Yeah to see if he has any snowboarding skills.

We forgot to have someone take a picture of us so Jer put it on the timer. Bode got a kick out of the flashing timer light so they turned out pretty good.

Naughty or Nice?

Stat was not very cooperative.

Bode loved reaching in his stocking and pulling out the stuff.

His favorite gift was his "Woody" doll. Grandpa Alex got it for him. We we so excited to give it to him becasue at 4 different friends houses he will find their toy Woody and play with it. Not just once but every time we would go to my sister's house he would find it. I guess I am just a mom but I think it was so cute. His eyes got all big when it was opened. He also got "Toy Story 2" the movie. and he watched it this morning with his Woody. He made sure Woody had a good seat.

Sorry I for got to rotate it.

He also got this little music set from the Brooks's. This is a little drum, but we are going to have to teach him you hit it. He thought it was a stool. His buns runneth over.

You can't really tell from this kinda fuzzy picture but these are the darned cutest Christmas jammies ever!!

And just to make all the flatlanders jealous. I know it was hard to tell but it SNOWED! I cannot remember the last time it snowed on Christmas!! It made the day so great.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Family Fun

This past weekend the whole Merrill family traveled down to go see the temple lights. We went down early because Jeremiah need to do some appraisal school. So we stayed at Tim and Connie's. Thanks guys!! Which mean a few rounds of "settlers" were played. Well any way we had fun hanging out with family and doing a lot of Christmas shopping.

Warning: a ton of pictures below!

The Beautiful Temple The whole family!!
Jer, Me and Bode
All Bode could say about the lights was "wow!"
He got tiered of walking. If you look close you can see him pulling my hair.Megan and Lee.

Jill, Lee and Me.Settlers.
All the cousins had a great time running around together.

Don't worry it is not what you think. Bode and Abbey played so good together!

Even Stat got to come!! Because of all the snow and the fact we were gone so long Tim and Connie allowed us to bring Stat with us. We are so grateful for that because dogs can be a pain sometimes. The funny thing is that we were worried that Stat would hurt Oscar( their little dog) but it was actually the opposite. Oscar actually beat up on Stat.

Bode was so worn out from all the cousin fun he slept almost the whole way home!

Look what I painted...

Maybe you won't care as much as me but I painted this box last week and it turned out really good. There are actually two more sides but I didn't take pictures of it. I don't mean to be boastful but I am really proud of the way they turned out.
You Are Donner

The most loveable and sweet reindeer, you're also a total dork!

Why You're Naughty: You keep (accidentally) tripping the other reindeer while flying.

Why You're Nice: You're always smiling, even if you've fallen flat on your horns.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

TIs the season!!

To be busy... We are living life in the fast lane these days. I have wanted to post these pictures for weeks. So here is a picture over load.
We put up our Christmas lights awhile ago. This picture was a few night ago. It snowed about a foot at our house that night.
On a sad note, a house in our neighborhood burned down. It was crazy. As always there is never a dull moment on our street.
The fire hydrant is right in front of our house, so we got to see a lot of firefighters in action.
Bode had a double ear infection this past week. Poor baby just wanted to be cuddled.

Who knows? But he sure was having a good time.

A new trick. Pushing chairs around to get the food. This was at Thanksgiving and he wanted pie.
Bode's latest position to watch tv.

Even Stat couldn't make him move.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jeremiah said there would be no snow...

So Kim and Nate came to visit this past weekend. The plan was to get up on Sunday drop Bode off with my parents, fish for a while, then get a Christmas tree for them to take back to the valley. We just weren't planning on snow.
We made it close enough to the lake to see it. But we were stuck. It took 2 hours, 3 different truck helping, and a lot of digging to get us unstuck. There really wasn't that much snow but there were a few drifts the piled up more than a foot of snow. We just happened to drive through one of the big drifts. If we had driven about 3 feet to the left in this picture we would have been fine, but we didn't. Oh well.

Jeremiah and Nate worked really hard to get us unstuck.
Kim and I did not. We got out chairs and watched.
We did finally get to go fishing, and actually caught one big fish. So I guess it was worth it.
Here is the happy snowman Nate made. It has Salmon egg eyes, a hook for a mouth and other various fishing parts.

We almost didn't make it out of there alive becasue on top of getting stuck we were just about out of gas. We literally coasted into Eager on fumes. By the time we got to cutting down a tree it was just about dark, so I hope it looks ok.

I guess we have found a new family tradition, minus the getting stuck and almost running out of gas part. Thanks for the fun weekend Kim and Nate!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Our Tree!!

On the hunt of the perfect Charlie Brown Christmas tree!

Is it over there... no.

Is it over

AAA, you can see the excitement on his face... there is is the perfect tree!!

Yes is is huge and way to big for the house. Lets see what we can do.

Chopr' down! If a tree falls in the woods... never mind.What a strong guy.
On to the decorations.

I waited a whole year to put up these glittery ornaments!

Yeah the perfect Charlie Brown Christmas Tree!!!

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