Monday, December 17, 2007

Family Fun

This past weekend the whole Merrill family traveled down to go see the temple lights. We went down early because Jeremiah need to do some appraisal school. So we stayed at Tim and Connie's. Thanks guys!! Which mean a few rounds of "settlers" were played. Well any way we had fun hanging out with family and doing a lot of Christmas shopping.

Warning: a ton of pictures below!

The Beautiful Temple The whole family!!
Jer, Me and Bode
All Bode could say about the lights was "wow!"
He got tiered of walking. If you look close you can see him pulling my hair.Megan and Lee.

Jill, Lee and Me.Settlers.
All the cousins had a great time running around together.

Don't worry it is not what you think. Bode and Abbey played so good together!

Even Stat got to come!! Because of all the snow and the fact we were gone so long Tim and Connie allowed us to bring Stat with us. We are so grateful for that because dogs can be a pain sometimes. The funny thing is that we were worried that Stat would hurt Oscar( their little dog) but it was actually the opposite. Oscar actually beat up on Stat.

Bode was so worn out from all the cousin fun he slept almost the whole way home!


  1. cute post! cute box too!

  2. How fun that they have cousins the same age to play with. Our poor baby isn't going to have anyone on either side of the family! That is, unless someone gets busy...

  3. How fun! I love the temple lights. Must have been awesome with the whole crew in tow. I agree.. the box is adorable.. I'm not that creative to paint something that cute! Good job..


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