Thursday, December 8, 2011

Right now...

watching:  Modern Family. I just started watching this show this year. Along with the Middle. They are both very funny and best of all they are clean and family friendly. Bode can even sit down and watch the Middle with me. We are planning on getting rid of cable altogether when our contract is up. Then getting netfix and keep the local news channels.  The shows that are on these days are just getting worst and worst. Who really needs them?

eating: Just had a tuna salad sandwich for lunch. This week I have been trying to watch what I eat and count calories. I can't really diet because I am breastfeeding. So for now I think my best bet is to watch my calories and eat healthy. I am just itching to do South Beach Diet and get some of this weight off of me. I keep reminding myself it has only been 6 1/2 weeks. I got cleared to start working out this week. Monday I went running. Tuesday I did a 45 min boot camp video, played volleyball Wednesday night and am planning on doing the video again tonight and then run in the morning. It feels good to be moving!

drinking:  Water. I really don't drink soda or anything like that. I would so much rather save those calories for food rather than drink it. That being said, I found Sierra Mist with cranberry over Thanksgiving and I love it. It is seasonal so I better get some more before the holidays are over.

wearing: A t-shirt, jeans and my good old pair of converse shoes. I have had these shoes for 7 years. I love them. They are comfy but falling apart. I am really wanting a pair of grey converse. I think I may have to treat myself after Christmas.

avoiding: Housework. My house is a mess and the laundry need to be done. I just don't want to do it. I think I will avoid it all day and then hit it hard all day tomorrow. Oh wait I want to go shopping tomorrow... I guess I will be cleaning up the house tonight.

feeling: Tired and a tiny bit stressed. Tired because I started working out this week. I played volleyball from 8:30-10:30 last night and got to bed later than normal. Then I got up early to get ready to do  preschool today. A tiny bit stressed because it is the holiday season. I always stress out about money this time of year, who doesn't? We have done good so far. We pay cash for everything and have did well so save some money to buy our kids gifts with. I really can't complain though. My husband works very hard and we always have everything we need and want. There just always seems to be one more present to buy for someone you forgot.

missing: My sister Jill. She lives to far away and probably won't be moving back to Arizona anytime soon, is ever. I really hope I can make it out there this upcoming year. 

thankful: For a roof over our head, clothes on our backs, food in the fridge, a car to drive and a healthy family. 

weather: It has been cold here this week. In the 30's at night and mid 60's during the day. I love it. I love getting to wear long sleeve shirts and jackets. It is a nice break from the horrible heat.

praying: For my sister in law to get feeling better. For a friend to hear good news at her next doctors appointment. For me to be more patience with my children. And as always for my husband to come home safe from work.

needing: A cleaning fairy. Again, my house is a mess and I could use a maid or fairy to work a little magic around here.

thinking: A lot about my new life as a mother of 3. The transition has not been as hard as I thought it would be. Piper is such a good baby. She so far has been a great sleeper, eater and pooper. At nearly 7 weeks old what more could I ask for? The only thing she really hates is a messy diaper. Bode has been a great help to me. I figure that though. He is such a good kid. Laine is my big surprise. She has been great! I really thought she would be so jealous and act out. But other than a few incidents here and there she has been an excellent big sister. I do have to be really careful to not leave then together alone in the same room. Laine loves to hold Piper and has no problem picking her up and hauling her where she figures she should be. For example I ran upstairs to get a load of laundry and when I came back Laine have moved Piper from her bouncer to the couch. When I came down she was sitting very proudly holding her little sister in her lap on the couch. Yikes!! 

As for me and my mental state, I feel like I can do this. There isn't time for me to sit around, sleep in or mosey through my day. I actually like it. I always wondered how other women could keep it together with even more kids than me. They are always ready, kids ready and seem to have it together. Maybe they don't and feel the same as me. But I know that if I want to be happy I have to make it so. I can't be envious of women who are all dressed an ready to go at 8:00. I have to get out of bed and get ready. Not that I am anywhere near having everything put together but I am taking baby steps.


  1. baby steps my friend. I have one kid and can't seem to get ready by 8 every day....

  2. Somebody has to be the mommy, Heidi. Since you were a little girl this is what you wanted. So you are living your the real world. I think you are doing great for 6.5 weeks into a mother of three. Every now and then just sit down and watch your children and look them in the reminds you of their value and how much you love them. The laundry can wait.

  3. Anyone who is ready everyday at 8am is lucky and maybe just maybe they have a maid? haha I wish I could be ready each day ready to go at 8am, I'm still in my pjs and its 1140am....thank goodness for Winter break & lazy sleeping in days...... :) I think adjusting to three was pretty much about rearranging time.....

    You're right it does feel good to move and get out esp. after having a baby, great job!


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