Monday, November 28, 2011


Unless you are living under a rock these days, you might have heard of a little thing called Pinterest. I know it has been around for quite a while but it seems as though it have just exploded all over the blog world. I too have hopped on the Pinterest wagon. Shoot! Even Lanie Jo knows how to get to the app on my phone and scroll thought the kid section, that is a picture of her below. The problem with Pinterest is that there are way to many awesome ideas and I end up pinning everything under the sun and know that I will never have the time or money to do them. Oh well. I still keep pinning anyway...

During my mindless pinning I have actually learned some useful tips. I am too lazy to go back and actually link back to my pins... so I will just tell you a few of them that have come in handy.

  • Altering jeans so that they fit big thighs and small waists. No more gap! This opens up a whole new world of pants for me.
  • Rolling the dice at dinner time. The kids eat as much as they want. Sometimes it really isn't that much. So rather than force them to eat and get all mad, they roll the dice and have to take as many bites as the number that is rolled. This has really cut down on our stressful dinners.
  • To shred chicken you put it warm in a Kitchen Aid  with the beater attached turn it on low and then you have perfectly shredded chicken.
Those are my favorite ones off the top of my head. Thank you Pinterest for giving me the opportunity to procrastinate on things that actually need to be done... but really it is pretty awesome.


  1. I did not see the dice one.. .but I LOVE That idea.

    I used the kitchen aid to shred chicken the other night. GENIUS!

  2. Oh I'm so right there with you on Pinterest! There are so many things I could make and will never have time for. My baby's room is ALL pinterest. I need to finish the decor so I can actually do a blog post about it! :) Thanks for the tips by the way. i need to look up the altering jeans on. I have that problem too!!


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