Friday, November 25, 2011

Gobble Gobble...

Our Thanksgiving was nice and low key this year. It was my little family and my parents.
We ate at 12:00 because Jeremiah had to work that day.
We were a bit worried that we wouldn't get it all made in time but my mom slaved away and everything turned out great. I say we but really my mom did more than the lions share of the work.
Thanks mom!

Here we are gathered around the table. I love how the football game is on in the background. How could you have Thanksgiving with out football?

Laine was sick the day before. She had a fever and one nasty poo.
Luckily she was back to her sweet self on Thanksgiving.

This is how the kids spent their day. Playing with the neighbor kids. They had a blast and it was an easy to keep them entertained all day.

For Christmas this year we wanted to get a fun family gift. We have been wanting a trampoline for awhile but they are a bit pricey and kind of ruled it out. Until we saw the walmart black add and one was on sale for $158. So we decided to go for it. Jeremiah had to work so it was up to me to brave the crowds and get the gift. Lucky for me my mom was willing to come with me. We ended up standing in line for about 2 hours. The tramp was going on sale at 10pm so we didn't have to stay up all night. Right before 10 they started handing out tickets to people in line for the items you were in line for. There were 42 trampolines there are we were around the 20th people in line. So they gave us the ticket, we check out at 9:56, went to the car, they loaded it up and we were home by 10:30! It was great. No fighting the crowds or mobs running for things. We are now 1/2 way done with our Christmas shopping. Yay! Now I think on Monday we will put up decorations and start spreading Christmas cheer by singing loud for all to hear :)


  1. You had a WAY better experience at walmart than me. I don't think I will ever go there again on black friday. It was AWFUL!!! :(


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