Sunday, September 25, 2011

They grow so fast...

I was trying to get a picture of Laine's healing scar. She pulled this face. It made me laugh because it is just about the same face as a picture I took of her when she was about 5 months old. They really do grow to fast. The saying "The days are long but the years are fast" is so true. Kids do just grow up to fast. Bode is almost 6 and Laine is almost 3. But in my head they are both little rollie babies. 

Here is Laine's updated look at the cut on her head. It is healing really quite well. It is still quite purple but I don't think it will be too bad. With Bode' scar we used mederma and it really worked. We are using it on her's as well hoping we get the same results. My biggest concern is that no hair will grow on the scar and leave her with a bald spot. At least it is to the side and should be hidden by a good part.

Then there is this kid. What to do with him? I had always thought Laine was so difficult and full of mischief. I was wrong. She is the sweetest little thing... only when Bode is not around. I drop Bode off and she is an angel. Bode comes home and they are constantly egging each other on. Whining and fighting with each other. But at the same time he is such a good big brother. One day last week we were picking Bode up from school  and Bode saw Laine first. He yelled her name and was jumping up and down so excited to see her. He ran out of the gate, picked her up and gave her the biggest hug. I guess through all the fighting they really do like each other. 

I have been pondering on marriage and my relationship with my spouse the last few weeks. Certain events going on around us have made me really appreciate my marriage and the strength and comfort my husband gives me. It is so easy to get into a routine and think everything is fine and not work on the things that matter most. I have said this over and over but I get caught up on taking care of kids, the house, cooking cleaning and more recently being preoccupied with pregnancy that my relationship with my spouse gets pushed to the side. Although those thing matter and I can't ignore them completely, it is more important to remember that I am working on an eternal relationship with Jeremiah. The house will always be in one way or another messy, I will always need to clean, the kids will grow up and move on and the only thing that will be left is Jeremiah and I. I read these articles today Building My Eternal Marriage and Repentance and Forgiveness in Marriage.. They were both really good and had some great points to think about.

I am just about 36 week. I will go in on Wednesday and see if there has been any progress on the "getting the baby out" front. Yesterday Lee, my Mom and I went Goodwill shopping. I got some very strange looks though. A few times I ended up pushing the cart with Daisy in her cart seat and Laine sitting in the seat and being "great' with child I think people thought I was nuts. At one point Laine threw a huge fit. I am talking one of those that echo through the whole store. I had the cart with the babies in it while Lee tried on a pair of jeans. Well trying to get Laine to calm down while pushing the cart through the crowd of people trying to get to Lee was funny. People where looking at me with pure pity in their eyes. I finally got Daisy to Lee and Laine outside to have a time out. It was pretty funny and I am glad I didn't melt down in the store right along with her.

I also think my days at church are numbered... not for forever :) My Sunday wardrobe is getting pretty slim. I also must be a sight because I cannot walk through the halls with out a belly rub or big belly comment. I am really not complaining though. It is nice to not be anonymous in our ward and have people notice that we are preparing to welcome another member into our family. My tail bone and hips are also making it very hard to make it through the whole 3 hours. I can make it through sacrament meeting just fine. The Sunday school chairs are a killer and it has been months since I have been able to sit through that class. I can normally make it through Relief Society. But man, ouch is all I can say after sitting through church these days. 3-4 weeks left...


  1. The pictures of Laine make me laugh, too! I enjoyed playing with them this weekend. Your big belly days are definately numbered.

  2. A second thought.....remember when Laine would just stare
    at you or me or whoever? That baby picture reminds me of that.

  3. oh my gosh. I feel ya sister. I had to get up and walk after each hour of church because it just killed to sit in the same hard position the whole time. When relief society came I would prop myself up with my arms and rotate positions about a million times. Those last few weeks are brutal. Hang in there. Soon you'll have to find a wardrobe of "easy access shirts"... and keep your baby protected from all the germy people who wanna touch. ;O Baby J and my first sunday back is coming up and I'm a little nervous.


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