Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Not what I had in mind...

Ever get up on the morning with an idea of how the day will go, then it all falls apart. Well that was today. Don't worry, it wasn't a horrible day, just not the day I had in mind. 

The plan was to:
shower, get ready, make breakfast, pack lunches, get kids ready for the day, scriptures and prayers, get,  Bode off to school, last minute prep work for preschool, teach preschool, get Jer off to work and then have the afternoon to pick up the house, go to an OB appointment and play with Laine before I needed to pick up Bode from school, then to spend the evening with the kids until bed time.

I was up every hour on the hour either taking care of Laine, who was crying, moaning or whining because she didn't feel good, or I was peeing. Well because you know this little girl inside me loves kicking my bladder all night long. I ended up getting up on time, got all dress, got Bode fed and ready for school then I went to check on Laine because she had woken up and was crying. Poor girl had been feeling yucky all night long and finally she decided to loose her stomach all over her bed. So instead of my smooth morning I cleaned up puke and had to call all my preschool mom's to rearrange things. I hate doing that! I had to do it twice this month because of Laine and her bad luck. I am lucky to have understanding moms, but it doesn't change the fact that I hate having to cancel preschool. I was lucky enough to be able to switch my OB appointment to the morning so I didn't have to take Laine. I think Laine's puke was a fluke. She was looking and feeling much better when I came home. Then I watched Daisy for the afternoon while Lee had an eye appointment. Laine was feeling better but she was really tired. She fell asleep on me and took a nearly 2 hour nap. I picked up Bode for school, tired to put up some fall decor, Lee scrubbed my table and chairs, but over all it was a very unproductive day. I was glad to have a little snuggle time with Laine. The only time my kids snuggle is when they are sick. So now here I sit, my house is a mess, there are bits of falls decor around and all I want to do is go up stairs and go to sleep. And you know what I think I will :) Some days are just like this I guess. On to tomorrow and a more productive day.

On a different note, I am 35 weeks today. I have graduated from appointments every 2 weeks to appointments every week until I deliver.  Next week I'll get check to see if there is any progress. Its getting close and I think we are all ready to have her here. I looked back on my 35 week with Laine and had her 24 days later. Oh wouldn't that be nice. If that where going to be the same case with this pregnancy that would put me delivering like the second week in October. I know just writing this down will jinx me and now I will probably have to be induced at like 41 weeks because I am overdue. Either way in about a month we will have our new baby here. I am so excited to hold and snuggle a non-wiggly kid. Now if we could only find a name for her...

Jeremiah had a good week. We sold our little white Alero a few weeks ago and have been driving my brother in laws car until we found a car or decided if we would buy a new truck. Every weekend had been searching craigslist for something, driving around town looking at vehicles. Then coming home and having discussions about just buy a new truck. Ultimately we decided that we do not want to take on a car payment. A nice new truck would be fun but it would be stressful to add a new payment when we are getting so close to where we need and want to be after foreclosing on our house almost 3 years ago.  So Jer found a 1998 Jeep Cherokee. It was basically a swap from car to Cherokee. No payment and Jer finally has a car that he can go hunting, fishing, camping in. And one that he can play with and go "jeeping" in. It looks good and I am glad he has something he wants to drive and can have a little fun in. It may not be fancy and new but it works and no payment. I like that.

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute! I try to plan my days out too and probably more than half the time it never works, but like you said it is ok. ;) I'm so excited for your new little girl to arrive.


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