Friday, August 5, 2011


A paper cut just stops you in your tracks...

And a few nasty looking bug bites don't slow you down for a second.

Bode got the tiniest paper cut ever and it ruined his whole day. There really isn't much you can do for a little paper cut and I had to chuckle at myself at the compete melt down he had over it.

Next, the bug bites. A few days after we got home I put Bode to bed and he came downstairs to have me look at a bump on his leg. It looked like a big mosquito bite and I sent him off to bed. Fast forward a day and we were sitting on the couch and I saw this big old bite on his arm. On further inspection I found 2 more, both on his legs. They panicked me a bit because of their bulls eye pattern. I know that bad spider bites can make the same pattern. So after calling my parents, talking to Jeremiah and my other brother I ended up giving him benadryl and putting some of Laine's eczema cream on them. Then I watched him like a hawk to make sure they didn't get bigger or start to have another type of reaction. Luckily the swelling went down and he was fine. He has always had bad reactions to bug bites this was just the worst we have seen.

1 comment:

  1. I love the drama. So glad my children are not the only ones. blasted paper cuts!


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