Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fly Catcher...

We live close to a bunch of farm fields. It is fun to watch them get plowed, planted and then see what grows. There are a few side effects though. The stinky manure, then after everything is harvested the leftovers along with manure attract flies. Along with the flies that come from the fields there are my neighbors and their dogs. We are surrounded by people who own dogs. It is hot outside and these people aren't very good at cleaning up after their dogs. Gag. It is stinky, hot and flies don't care where they came from, so they come here and bother all of us. Lucky for me I have me very own fly catcher. This kid gets his gear on and goes to work. He never really caught any or killed any until one day... He came upstairs to show me Henry. A fly he caught. Not only did he catch it but he caught it in a 2 liter bottle. He was very pleased with himself. I kept telling him that it wouldn't stay alive for long in that bottle. But that dang fly was alive in that bottle for a good 2 weeks. Now we don't catch flies, we kill them. Much more productive. 

Laine Jo loves her crib. We have transitioned her into her big girl bed and she was doing just fine. By just fine I mean she slept in it after a huge fight, loss of the oh so needed nap, and putting her back a million times at bedtime. Well we put the crib back up in her room and this is the result. She starts in the bed, on the other side of the room, then at sometime she climbs back into her crib to sleep. I know that taking the crib out would completely solve the problem but a part of me doesn't want to. She is my baby and I think I will let her feel that way for a bit longer.

Well, I guess she can be the baby until this little baby makes her grand entrance. She is already throwing her weight around as you can see. She, many times during the day, curls up in a ball and rolls to the right side. Making my belly very misshapen.

Here we are in all our glory. I am still feeling really quite good still. Defiantly waddling everywhere I go. My belly in huge and only getting bigger. On the bright side, the bigger the belly the less everywhere else looks so big. Does that make sense? I just mean that the belly is huge so maybe you don't see growth everywhere else. 31 weeks... 9 to go or less if I am lucky. Oh yeah, I cut my hair,.
Gag. I hate outside. I am sure this temp is reading a bit high but not by much. Never again, if I have any control over the situation, will I be pregnant in the summer. We do not go outside much. It honestly makes me angry to have to go out in the heat.

Oh and can I just say this? I have been reading, writing and looking at blogs for about 6 years. I think for alot of people personal blogs are going out of fashion. Not for me. This is 6 years of history for my little family and I do not see myself every stopping. But I have in the last year found my biggest blog pet peeve. I used to look at a lot of crafty, DIY blogs. Many of them started out with ladies just excited about projects they did and they wanted to share. Well over these years they have evolved and not in a good way. Now they are just money making things for people. The projects used to be new and inventive. Now I feel like they are just grasping as straws to make crafty things. Like come on! Does every little thing need to be mod podged, fabric-ed, bedazzled and flowered!?!  It it just a box of baby wipes. Who has the time and energy to make it match the nursery? And why is it necessarily? Then there are the ladies to are redoing their house on a "budget". Like I said their blogs started out with things I could to on my budget. But now their "budget" includes $75 a yard fabric. Needless to say I don't look at many craft blogs anymore. I scan the tittle to see if it is interesting but pass on 99% of them. I don't miss it. I think pining away after all the projects that were out of my reach made me jealous of what others had and not appreciative of what I have. I love my house and don't need to be comparing it to


  1. That's hilarious about the crib, we're switching Navy over Labor day weekend, crossing my fingers it goes well! And you have the cutest belly, I hope these next weeks go by fast for us!

  2. Okay, so Facebook told me that Lindsey wrote on your wall about a blog post/rant you wrote and I had to come find it. First of all, I didn't know you had a blog. Second of all, I love it. Third, I agree with your pet peeve! And I agree that I was reading them (like you I really don't anymore) but finding myself not really having the time (or motivation) to do it, but thinking I SHOULD, but trying not to get down about it, blah blah blah. I've come to terms with my un-craftiness. That can be their thing, and...well...something else can be mine :)

    And again, love the blog. Your kids are adorable. Looks like we're expecting our third right around the same time as you. Congrats!

  3. I love your pet peeve. I too miss the simple blogs and have pretty much deleted all of them from reader, I love family blogs however, and as you said it isn't the "in" thing these days. I miss it. But I do enjoy reading your blog, your children remind me of my own and I love laughing at some other children while mine destroy the living room in the background!

  4. OK - Your fly catcher is So cute! :) That makes me laugh. As for Laine, my only tip - if you want her to stay in her bed, lay with her at nap time (we do that with Cardon), then sit next to her bed for a few days (at night) then slowly move out the door. That worked fairly well with us too. Cardon started out in a big boy bed in it has been a LONG haul for us to keep him in there. He would just flat out refuse to go to bed, not matter how tired he got. It was SO frustrating. I cried every night. Good luck! As for your last part THANK YOU! I feel the exact same way. I hate the ads all over the blogs and the $75 single yard of fabric. Come on! I think that blogs were meant to share and inspire people...making money ISN'T bad at all - and using a blog to do so isn't bad either. but don't say you are some thrifty craft blogger when your not.....whoa that was a major rant. :)

  5. Great picture of Bode. I will stay tuned to see what happens to the girl and her crib. And you look great, too.

  6. Bode is so funny!! You look great!

  7. I am sad that FB seems to be taking over as the go to "blog"...regular personal blogs are so much better!! They will also be something to look back at, while FB certainly is not.

    I agree on the craft blogs. First off, I think Corey would kill me if I did as many crazy projects as some of these other ladies do! It is all about the stuff in the house...which isn't something I really find important all the time.

    PS..Love that belly!

  8. You look so great! I love Bode's fly catching gear...and I'm right there with you on the craft blog thing. I've kind of given up on mine, because all the other craft blogs out there are just discouraging. I don't see anything new or original anymore. Seems like just the same stuff circulating around...and some of the "thrifty" blogs are darn right ridiculous now..their definition of thrifty and mine are definitely not the same! I've actually taken pretty much all craft blogs out of my google reader. I hope not too many people give up on family blogs, but it seems like a lot are. I love looking back on our family stories and events, and I love reading others, so I'll be keeping mine for awhile!


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