Monday, September 5, 2011

Is the weekend over yet...

I think that is the question Jeremiah kept asking himself all weekend long. Maybe not so much me though, at least at first anyway. Every year over Labor Day weekend the Brooks's go up to the Flemming Family Reunion.  Jeremiah has been going for years to camp with the Brooks and Davis's and this year was no exception. The original plans were for Jer to just take Bode but the day before he decided to take Laine too. I know it isn't all that fun camping with kids but Jer seemed up for it and I was definitely up to a kid free weekend.

Let me tell you Saturday was nice. I cleaned, slept, and shopped. And all day long I kept getting picture texts of how much fun and how dirty my kids were getting. The camping spot is incredibly miserably dusty. The kind of dust that leaves a layer of dirt with every movement. The kind that never fully washes off until you get a shower. And the kind that you are cleaning up for weeks afterwards. 

I got so many cute pictures of this little girl. She was having a blast swimming in the dust.
(thanks for all the pictures Jessica)

One of my personal favorites, sitting on a chair with no pants, blowing bubbles.

I didn't get to many cute Bode pictures. He was way to busy running around with all the kids, playing in the dirt and making forts. Why would you slow down to take a picture when you could be running free?

I did however in one of my brief conversations with him found out they caught a horny-toad. He was pretty proud of it. I remember catching lizards, frogs and tadpoles. Now I don't think I would lay a finger on one now.

A face only a mother could love.

One of the highlights of this camping trip is the horseshoe tournament. Jeremiah has quite a competitive side and loves it. The weekend didn't go as well has Jer hoped, I don't even know how well he did. However he did, he does look good doing it though.

All the dust covered kids.

Then comes the not so fun part of the weekend. The part that makes you wish the weekend was over. It was Sunday afternoon, Jer and Laine were sitting on some benches that were kind of close to the horseshoe pit. Laine was sitting on Jer's lap face to face. Then a girl came over to the horseshoe pit and was going to play. But, well lets just say she wasn't so great at the game, she threw the horseshoe and it flew crazy in the wrong direction and before Jer could even move it hit Laine right in the head. Poor girl. They hopped in the car and were off to the ER to get her checked out and all stitched up.

 Jer called me right before they went into the hospital. I hate those type of calls. Made my heart drop. I was very glad it was Jer there and not me. Only because I would have been a mess, Jeremiah can stay very calm and collected in those type of situations. He called me a few hours later to update me on her. She told everybody her name and that a "hos-shoo hit my head". She had a CT scan to check out the insides and 6 stitches to put her back together. That was rough. Jer said it was really hard to have to see his little daughter all pinned down screaming getting those stitches put in. At one point she told everybody that "Bode did it". After the stitches were in the nurses brought her in a stuffed cow.  thought it was a little tiny one but no, it is huge. She named her cow "Horsey" because a "hos-shoo hit my head". It took 3 long hours to get everything worked out. Then Jer had to drive home from Payson after that long day. It wouldn't have been so bad except.....

The horrible dust had not only settled on every visible surface but in Jeremiah's eye. He had been trying to get the grit out of his eye all day. But it was no use. By the time he was done at the ER with Laine his eye was all red and swollen shut. He said he drove home the whole way with one eye shut because it hurt so bad. I could tell, he called me and I could just hear the stress and strain from the day in his voice. Not a great day for anybody. Well maybe Bode had a great day. He got to stay longer camping and come home with the Davis's that night. Thanks Davis Family.

So this morning Jer got up and his eye was feeling worst. Thankfully there was an urgent care open today and he got seen. They numbed up his eye to relive the strain and then put some dye in it to see what the deal was. Basically the whole rim of where his contact hit the eye was all scratched up. Thankfully it wasn't his cornea but still very painful just the same. He has to wear a patch for 24 hours, use antibiotic drops and wear his glasses for 5 days. If you know Jer you know that he has horrible vision, he is legally blind without his contacts in. So he isn't going to be able to go into work for a few days while his eye heals.

I am glad they came home in one piece, just wish the weekend had gone better. Now we are just trying to get things back to normal. Laine is feeling much better. She keeps telling me her head hurts but it hasn't slowed her down to much. She did take it easy all day and I hope she does tomorrow too. Would hate to bust those stitches open. I am grateful that everybody is under the same roof and that Jer and Laine made it home from Payson. I am also grateful that we have good friends who are willing to help us out when we need it.


  1. Cardon fell climbing out of the pool while we were in San diego and split open his chin. It was about 9:30pm. We decided we were going to butterfly bandaid it and see how it was in the morning, but after going to the front desk of our hotel and talking to the 'trained medical staff' we decided to go to the ER. Luckily we waited for only 5 minutes, they could glue it shut AND Cardon fell asleep in my arms (it was 11 pm at this time). When I told the nurse what happened (for the millionth time) it was all I could do to not cry! I felt so bad and I was so tired. I hate seeing my kiddo hurt/sick! :(

  2. Poor lanie! That looks like pretty nasty owie! Hope she feels better!

  3. :( poor girl!! I too would be glad if it was the hubby there and not me, I flip out in situations like that. Sounds like a rough weekend. Glad she is healing well now!


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