Monday, August 8, 2011

First day of kindergarten...

Today was Bode's very first day of kindergarten. A day we all have been anxiously waiting all summer. Bode pick out his clothes the night before, packed his backpack and got his very first before school Father's Blessing. I thought he might have a hard time going to bed or get up super early but no. He went to bed on time and got up just like normal. 

He requested cereal, toast and a banana for breakfast and was so excited to put on his new shoes. We read scriptures, said our family prayers and it was off to school. We parked a little bit away because it was a zoo. I was doing so well until he decided to grab Jeremiah's hand and walk in front of me. He looked so little but so big at the same time. It tugged on my heart strings and I knew letting him go was going to be harder that I thought. We met up with friends right away. Bode is lucky to have 3 other boys from church in his class and of the 3, 2 of them went to preschool with him last year. I am glad he has a few buddies in his class already. He made his way to his cubby, hung up his backpack, walked over to his table and sat down all ready to begin. I told him to have a good day, gave him a quick peck on the cheek, which he wiped away very quickly :) and said goodbye. Jer said a little goodbye and we left. I held my emotions in until we walked out the door and it was over. I can't say I was sad but just felt like I was leaving a little piece of me behind. I know he will do fine it is just the first step of letting him go and grow up. Laine was so sweet, in that moment. She noticed I was upset and I held her, she grabbed my face with such a sweet look of concern, pushed my hair out of my face and said "oh, mama".

Jer and I had some errands to run that ended up keeping us out all day. We celebrated Jeremiah being a police officer for three years and Bode's first day by having lunch at Sweet Tomatoes and made it back just in time to pick him up. He was waiting with the rest of his class and when he saw me he ran over grabbed my hand and waved goodbye to everyone. He was pretty quite on the way home but turned in to a jabber mouth when we got home. He told us about the school nurse, the library, the green, yellow and red cards, lunch, and recess. He said he played with Jalen, Braden, Brayton, new friend, and new friend. I thought a full day of school would wear him out a bit and he would just need to veg a bit when he came home. I was wrong he had a ton of extra energy to burn off and was running all over the house. 

I for one am glad that we will have a routine again. I thrive with structure in my day and the last few months have been rather chaotic. It will be nice to have a set schedule. Laine starts a little dance class on Monday and I start preschool the following Thursday.  I have a feeling the next few months will fly by and this new little baby will be here before we know it. 

Speaking of routine and schedule's I have one blip in my timing plans. I know it sounds a bit stupid and maybe unimportant but man I need to chop off all my hair. I have been growing it out for nearly 3 years. Meaning every time I would go in for a hair cut I would just trim it hoping to get it to grow. Well after all this time it has barely grown to my collar bone. I have always wanted big pretty curls but man it is taking so long. At this rate it will be another 4 years before it even gets close to the picture I have in my head. I used to have somewhat curly hair around the front of my face and all underneath. But with each pregnancy it gets less curly on top and more and more curly underneath and thicker. So to get it straight and manageable it takes about 45 min everyday to blow dry and straighten. That is time that I do not want to have to spend on myself everyday. I would so much rather do other things. So I am thinking it is time to say goodbye to the long hair dream and say hello to an awesome 10 min style routine. Something along the lines of this... yay? or nay?


  1. Oh he looks so adorable. I am glad he had a good first day!

  2. Reading your post and thinking about sending my boys off to school made me sad too! You did awesome! :) You are going to be so busy the year will fly by and you will not believe how fast it has gone. :) Good luck with schedules, dance, school, and pre-school!! :)

  3. I cried just reading your blog. And love little Laine for understanding the moment.

    Please don't cut your hair. It makes you look beautiful. Where it in a pony tail with a hat but don't cut it.

  4. Bodi does look big and small at the same time. Actually, more big.
    His legs are getting long!

  5. oh I have no idea how I'll ever let my kids go to school maybe i'll home school them hahaha! I personally love the short hair cut! I always want to cut mine like that but my hubby says he will not let me. One day I will sneak out and do though lol :)


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