Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parental woes...

I go upstairs, they go downstairs.
 I go downstairs, they go upstairs. 
I go to the bathroom, 
they call for me a knock on the door nonstop.

I spend an hour cleaning, dusting, vacuuming a room.
I walk out of the room come back 5 minutes later 
and you would have never known I was even in there.
The room is trashed.

We spend lots of money on toys at Christmas, birthday's and special treats
 but the most fun "toys" in the house are the cushions on the couch and the blankets from the beds.

So I have found my newest pets peeve. I absolutely hate it when my children take the cushions off of the couch. Yes, I know it must be fun to make forts and jump off the couch on to the pile of cushions, but it is ruining my couch. The back cushions are starting to be ripped off of the back and need to be repaired. I get to annoyed at telling Bode 10 times a day not to take them off, then to find that he did it anyways. Which brings me to my next thought... What am I going to do with this kid?

He is turning 5 next month. He is such a sweet kid. He is very thoughtful and aware of other people's feelings. He is a good big brother and when he wants to can be very helpful. But man he has been going through such a hard phase for me.  He is getting older and needs to be entertained and challenged more. Bode is so social and loves to be around people. I think part of the reason he and I are butting heads so much is because he is do ready to go so school. He is ready to learn and be with people. I have been doing more activities with him and it helps. We have been coloring, painting, doing puzzles, playing outside and countless other things. But it just doesn't seem to be enough. He throws fits over the smallest things. Like needing to put his shoes away, brushing his teeth, turning off the tv, not getting into the fridge. Me asking him to do anything turns into a melt down for him. Full on crying fits. It is so frustrating, for both of us. I am trying to teach him there are consequences for his actions. If you don't eat dinner you don't get desert, don't pick up your toys you don't get to play with them. Maybe I am just being to negative? I am just so stuck in the middle of our little situation that I am not sure what to do. Any suggestions?  


  1. That's too bad nobody has a suggestion for you, Heidi. They are all waiting for answers themselves. :)

  2. Yes, I could use a little help in this area as well! (And Porter's only three..) Good luck to us both.

  3. I am having difficulties in this area also! I wish I had some grand advice for you...good luck!


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