Sunday, March 28, 2010

I am...

a cleaning machine.

Spring is in the air. It is so very beautiful, makes my nose itch, eyes water, makes my throat scratchy, but I love it just the same. This time of year reminds me of a few things. For one; track season. Although track in my old high school starts in the gym and running around the halls of the school because of all the snow, this weather reminds me a track. The wind and the sun. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. It is that feeling of getting into the starting blocks waiting for the race to start. I get the tense feeling in my stomach just thinking about it. Even though this memory sounds a little unfavorable, I still like the spring-knot-in-stomach-track-feeling.

Next I think about spring cleaning. I become a bit crazy I think. My house all the sudden feels so dusty and neglected. Like gross, when did the baseboards get to dirty and why are the fans growing extra dust wings? I feel like I have a million house projects that I need to get done before the dreaded heat creeps in and slows me down. Lucky for me this weekend Jer took Bode on an overnight camping trip. That left me at home for nearly 24 hours to get all the cleaning done I wanted. I scrubbed baseboards, tubs, walls and everything else I could think of. Feels good. I love to clean actually. I just wish it would last longer.

Now on to the millions of projects to get done soon...
stain/paint the kitchen table
paint the chest of drawers in my bedroom
find for night stands to redo for my bedroom- anyone have a set they are getting rid of?
redo the cute new shelves I found for Laine's room
paint the chest of drawers in Bode's room
make a slip cover for the chair in the master bedroom
finish decorating the master bedroom
get up the courage to ask my landlords if I can paint a room...or 2....or 3...
find fabric to make valances for the curtains in the living room
and any other crafty endeavor that comes up

Oh yeah... And I need to convince my husband that these are all things that need to be done :)

First up, finish the kitchen table. It is going to be beautiful!

 This sums up my mood for the week.


  1. Wow, you are busy! I agree, I love spring cleaning and I am so dreading summer!!!

  2. Oh, I am SO wanting to paint my table- how are you going to do it?? I'm a little nervous to attempt it, but it needs done!

  3. I happen to know that you have a landlord who LOVES to paint. In fact, she was just telling me the other day she has an itch to paint something new. So, I would imagine she would be open and understanding of the need to paint a room or 2, or 3. :) Good luck with all your projects.

  4. You are awesome! I am never really get into the whole spring cleaning thing.

    Good luck to ya on all your projects!

    We are looking to buy a house within the next couple of I would so LOVE some decorating advice!

    Happy Cleaning :)

  5. I am in the middle of a billion and one projects too...and the cleaning of course...ugh...but that is sooo never ending...

    Good luck!

  6. Yep, the Smiths are definitely into painting, she'd understand. I love to spring clean as well, I just get a little overwhelmed by it. :)

  7. That is so funny. I have commented two times lately that this is definitely track season! It's kinda weird how track air in Pinetop smells and feels like track air in Montana! Your post made me nautious just thinking about starting blocks. I have nightmares everytime I'm pregnant about having to play basketball or run the 400 or 800 in my pregnant state. :) What I would give to train with those HS right now though. Man, I would be in amazing shape...and so sore I couldn't move!


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