Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kids say the darnedest things...

Bode has been saying the funniest this these days. I really need to write them down. So here are a few that I can remember right now.

A few weeks ago Bode wakes up in the morning and does his morning thing. Pees in the potty, gives me a hug :), then demands breakfast. He finished breakfast then sits on the couch to watch his morning shows. I was sitting at the computer and all the sudden Bode jumps off the couch, runs to the big sliding glass doors looking into the back yard, rips open the curtains and looks outside. Then he turns to me and asks me all surprised and says "mom... we don't have a trampoline" then he sat back on the couch. Who knows where that came from. I guess I will never know.

When bath time comes around in our house I tell my kids they have stinky buns and need to run to the tub. This always results in a mad naked dash to the bathroom for Bode. This evening was different. I announce the kids have stinky buns and they need a bath. Laine knows what this means and heads to that bathroom. Bode stops and looks at me and says,"Mom, I don't have stinky buns. I have a stinky wiener". Oh dear.

Speaking of inappropriate wiener stories. Bode has become very aware that there is a difference between boys and girl. He tells me girls like pink,  girls play with dolls and girls don't watch Transformers. So the kids were in the tub and Bode tell me this "mom, boys have wieners. what to girls have?" Um what do I say? I was trying to figure out the best way to explain girls and boys to my then 3 year old. Before I could come up with a good response, Bode says "mom, girls have squished wieners". Someday Jeremiah will have to tell him that girls don't have squished wieners.

This morning Bode found a black piece of paper. He then was all cleaver and found a white crayon and started drawing away. He has learned how to write a lot of alphabet letters and filled up the whole page with random letters. Later we were going to the store and I told Bode to get shoes, put away toys so that we could get going. He came to me later with shoes on and pats the front of his shorts and says "nope mom, nothing in there" as he does this I hear a distinct crunchy noise. It made me laugh and I pretended not to notice but for him to get tell dad what he told me. So he did. Jer asked him what he had in there. He replied "his schedule". Jer convinced him to not put stuff down his pants and that he could just carry "his schedule". Fast Forward to a few hours later pulling up to Costco. Bode informs Jeremiah and me that his schedule says that we have to look at the toys at Costco. Where did this come from?

I also really need to start watching my choice of words these days. {No I don't have a potty mouth} The other day we were waiting at a red light and Bode yells out "stupid cars!". I know where he got that phrase from.

Ok there are the little Bode-isms of the day. He is a funny kid and I love him dearly.


  1. What a riot! Gotta admit my favorite is the squished weiner!

  2. Love it! Kids say the darndest things thats for sure! :)

  3. hahaha!! that was a funny post!

  4. They sure do. I'm always left wondering where they come up with these things...

  5. lol. little boys and their weiner talk. that cracks me up. enjoy these little moments.. they'll be grown before too long. ;)

  6. Oh my! Those are pretty funny stories. Those private parts always make for good humor. I remember when we told Spencer what a girl privacy is called. He looked at us and said quite frankly, "Hmm, sounds chinese." And then we went and played. Whatever!!


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