Friday, January 22, 2010

You know your are an Arizonan when...

the economy is tanking,
there are devastating earthquakes in Haiti,
political unrest and all we talk about is
the weather.

Ok it has been pretty awesome though. There were thunder storm warnings, flash floods and even tornado warnings. So much rain! I loved it. All except the rain water in my back yard slowly creeping up to my back door. Bode ran out yesterday morning and yells "holy cow! look at all the water!".
Checking the mail. Bode's umbrella came in handy. I felt pretty cool running my errands carrying my awesome kids umbrella. It got the job done.

Here is the lake...ummm... I mean park by our house.

This was in the morning around 10:00. By about 3:00 in the afternoon the water had rose even more. If you look across the park you can still see the grass, but by the afternoon it was up to the gravel. Crazy!

Bode was dying to get out in the water. He finally snuck outside when I wasn't paying attention. He told me all he wanted to do was float the boats.
As much as I have loved the rain, I still wish I was up in Pinetop enjoying all the snow. Here is the view from my parents house this morning.


  1. All that rain was crazy! It has rained more in the last couple days than it has in the last year or more, combined! It's been fun! I miss the snow in Pinetop, too, though.

  2. That pic is beautiful! I don't miss being in it but I do miss seeing it! So thanks for that pic!!!

  3. Fun post! I love seeing the snow on my computer but that is about as close as I want to get.

  4. I think you got a lot more rain where you live than we did in chandler! We are headed to Pinetop this week to check out all of the snow. I don't ever remember it snowing that much. It makes me a little homesick too!


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