Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Look ma, no hands...

Laine is growing so fast. As of yesterday she is 10 months old. I can't believe that she is almost one year old. She is a happy little girl. Very chatty and proud of all her accomplishments.

She learned how to clap her hands. This was funny because we were at my sisters volleyball game where there was a lot of our family around, including cousin Jet who is 2 or 3 months younger then her. He was sitting on his mom's lap just clapping away. I mentioned to Brittany that Laine hasn't even made an effort to clap or wave. Well she must have been watching Jet because the next day she learned how to clap. She is so proud of herself. If she claps she wants you to stop what you are doing to so scream "yay" and clap with her.

She also has learned how to wave. She doesn't wave her hand back and forth or side to side though. She open and closes her fist really fast. She likes to wave at herself the most. I caught her in her crib this morning after nap laying on her back waving at herself. She did this for awhile before she noticed I was there.

This little girl is on the move. She is cruising along walls, cupboards, couches anything that stays still for her she is using to walk around. She likes to use Bode's stool to scoot around as a walker. She also can stand by herself. I am not sure if she knows it though. She will be standing some where with something in her hands and to get a better look she grabs whatever it is with both hand and then she is just standing there.

We love this little girl :)

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