Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Thing you must have when redoing a piece of furniture...

A great sander. This cuts down on a lot of work. Sanding is a must do in any project and an electric sander is a must. I am so glad Jer persuaded me to buy this one at a yard sale for $10 bucks. Laine was very interested in this. She watched me sand the whole hutch. It took about an hour. She sat on the other side of the screen door watching the whole time.

Paint. In your favorite color. I was worried to do it red but all your comments made me go with my gut feeling on this and go red. I am very picky when it comes to red. I wasn't going for barn red or crayon red. But more of a deep burgundy red. I found "Royal Garnet". Mmmm, yummy. It is beautiful. I went back and forth on how much paint to buy. Is a quart enough, a gallon to much. Well I bought a gallon and it is way to much. So stay tuned for more Royal Garnet paint projects.
A good paint brush. I have made the mistake before of using a cheap paint brush and have ended up picking out stray brush hairs all the time. So I bought a nicer brush this time and the end product was much better then I expected.
This was a fun must have for this project. Wallpaper bead board. Ever since I hear about this stuff I have been wanting to try it. I originally wanted to use real bead board on the back but it wasn't long enough. So I bought a roll of wall paper and just covered the back. It was a bit tricky. I wasn't sure it was going to stick the right way. But it turned out perfect. Now I have beadboard wallpaper left over and again stay tuned for more breadboard projects.

With all my work I turned this...

Into this...

The picture makes the red look kind of bright, it is much deeper in person. I decided against the black wash and I need to update the drawer pulls.

Up close of the bead board.

Oh one more must in any project for me is two tolerant kids and me knowing my house will be a total wreck before the end of the project.


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