Friday, June 19, 2009


Does anyone else notice the tight situation that the world is in right now? No, not the political climate or declining economy. But the unusually tight pants people are wearing these days. It has left me with a very unsettling feeling. Every where you turn there are boys wearing incredibly tight pants. I am trying to figure out why?
During World War II fabric rations in the United States caused women's hem line to rise. The phrase "save fabric for the war effort" was commonly used. Could this be the cause behind the circulation cutting pants? Is our current economic situation causing innocent young men to risk their fertility and look like this...

No, I don't think so. They are just following a fad. To look unique and different. But this is what comes to mind when I hear that...

In my high school there was always the uniform controversy. It was discussed every year to instate uniforms. I for one was all for it. I wouldn't have to think about what I was going to wear each day, I could have slept in like an extra 20 minutes. But others said that it would stifle their individuality. But as I looked around my high school and as I look around the stores that I visit now everybody looks the same. Back then it was slightly baggy pants, Abercrombie and Tommy Hilfiger, now it is skinny jeans and converse shoes. I would gladly take boys in baggy pants over boys that wear smaller jeans than me and can apply eye liner better than I ever will.


  1. seriously - holy cow. I feel kind of ... violated - is that the right word? when I see the boys wearing jeans like that. Then I think man - how did that 12 year old get away from the house looking like that? Maybe I may never know until my children are that age - but geez!! men, young men, boys, ugh!!

  2. Amen to your post Heidi! I totally agree with you. Tight jeans are something I hope my son will not ever be interested in. The boys in our school seemed to wear the really really baggy pants or just a little bit baggy look, which seemed to be popular. Maybe these days boys prefer to stick out from a crowd rather than blend in.............I guess I will just assume that, and sometimes what I don't understand is better left that way. :)

  3. i dunno....i kinda like the tight don't. not even a little bit.

  4. Ha, Ethan and I were just talking about this today because the Jonas Brothers were on TV and they ALWAYS wear tight jeans (with boots). Ugh they annoy me.

    Maybe there will be some fertility study in a couple years and your doctor will ask you if you wore tight fitting pants.

  5. LOL.. AMEN AMEN AMEN!! I HATE the skinny jeans... it's so nasty. I don't wanna be able to make up everything that is in his pockets.

    Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention.. it is an important topic. lol.

  6. Oh heavens... I agree 100%. I just don't understand it.

  7. That's hilarious and so true. I don't know how they can even walk in them. Gross. I was all for the uniforms in school too.

  8. Now, now! Let's not forget free agency and moderation in all things. If parents mandated everything, when oh when would our children learn to think critically and apply the values they have hopefully been taught? We teach em correct principles and let them test their wings. Be it baggy pants with underwear showing or tight jeans...either way the kids are finding their identity.


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