Saturday, February 7, 2009

One more reason to love my husband...

I love my husband so much. He is so sweet to me ( see previous post). He is very thoughtful and aware of my needs. He works very hard at work and then comes home and helps me out so much. Like last night Laine was having a difficult time going to sleep. I was talking to Jer on the phone and he was on his was home so that he could take her into the living room and I could get some sleep. She fell asleep before he got home so instead he got up early with both kids so I could sleep in. He has done this quite a few times in the last few weeks and it mean so much to me as sleep deprived mother.
Jeremiah is a good dad. Bode knows when Jer's days off are. On those days they are attached at the hip. On one of the days off mornings they get up and go get doughnuts. It was really cute on Tuesday this week Bode crept into our room around 6:30 and goes to Jer's side of the bed and whispered "doughnuts" to Jer. Normally at 6:30 I we would put him back to bed. But that was to cute to resist. They got up, got dressed and got a doughnut.
This past week Jer did maintenance on our cars. In the 4 years of marriage we have really had no major problems with our cars. Jer takes good care of them and that is an attractive quality to me. I am glad he can do those kind of things it saves us a lot of money.

Dirty man hands.

I like a guy all grubby from working.

Bode learned where the motor and battery are in the Tahoe. He is such a little boy.

I love my goofy husband.

Bode was not a fan of taking a picture with me. He did like peaking through my hair though.

Laine is 3 weeks old today. She is grown so much already. I am anxious to see how much weight she has gained. She feels more solid. I love it.

Ok I have a question if you feel like leaving a comment.

I haven't taken Laine to church yet. The biggest outing she has was a 10 minute Target trip. Maybe I am some kind of freak but I think that she is to little to get exposed to all the germs that Church has until she is like a month old. But I feel like maybe my ward thinks I am a wimp for being this way. I also teach primary and don't want a bunch of little kids fingers on her yet. But I know that some other lady's have had babies lately and they are already at church. But it is RSV season and I don't want her to get sick. I would prefer to wait the 6 weeks until she is ready for the public, but I probably need to get back to my class. Plus Jer teaches a class the same time I do, so he can't take her. I don't know what I am going to to when she is hungry or explodes her diaper. Leave my 6 year old class to fend for themselves while she nurses for 20 minutes? Maybe I am just over thinking this or I am a wimp. What do you think?


  1. I totally agree with you and I would wait the 6 weeks myself! I waited like 8 weeks I think with Boston just to be safe. I know I felt bad too because there were girls in my ward that would go seriously the week or second week after they had their babies - but that just wasn't for me - waiting was for me and that is what I did.

  2. That's cute that they go get donuts!!! :o)

    I would WAIT! I think we took Kason when he was 4 or 5 weeks. But, since you have a class with kids that are going to want to touch her - I say wait. And personally, I would ask to either be released or get a teacher partner. Because seriously, what ARE you supposed to do if you have to change her diaper or feed her for 20 minutes?? I'm sure the presidency would understand :o)

  3. Those pictures of Bode and Jer working on the Tahoe are SO cute!! I'm sure they'll both cherish them once those times are gone, and I'm sure Bode will love them when he has a boy of his own! :) I totally don't think you're a wimp for wanting to wait! A "winter" baby should be kept in longer due to RSV I think!! You totally know that if I were in your ward, I'd take her for you! ;) I love me some babies!!

  4. Hi Heidi,
    I don't know if you remember me from EA, but occasionally I blog stalk you (hope that isn't too creepy). I took my baby to church last week because I felt I was being dumb/overprotective for keeping her in(she was 7 weeks) and this whole week she has been fighting a stuffy nose- not worth it. I would definitely wait... ESPECIALLY since you are in primary.
    I totally understand the feeling silly about it, 2 of my friends had their babies on the same day as I did, and they were both at church the next week. I think this is one instance were you can go with how you feel, regardless of what other people think. One of my friends in Idaho has an LDS pediatrician, and he told her she could go anywhere BUT church for 8 weeks because people go even if they are sick (darn overachieving mormons, jk : )
    Again, hope it isn't weird that I commented, especially if you don't know who I am!

  5. Heidi,

    Hey, I am one of brittany's friends. (I blog stalk other people) You know we all do it!!Anyways, we had babies one day apart and there is no way that I am taking my daughter to church until she is at least 6 weeks old. For me it is not worth it to have people breathe all over her and make us ALL miserable. And yes, I would definitely ask to be released or to get a teaching partner. Sometimes, the Bishopric accidentally overlooks things like this. They aren't perfect :-)

  6. Heidi,

    Your friends and stalkers are right. As DeLaine's grandma I agree with them.. Especially that
    people bring their sick children out to church. (It's just where you are supposed to be.) I also think you ought to talk to your Bishop. I am sure he has an understanding heart. xoxoxo

  7. My baby was born in May and i still waited a while, like 4-5 weeks. But personally i don't think that is long enough for a winter baby. The following winter she was 5-8 months old and i stopped taking her to church. she had an ear infection ever 3-4 weeks ugg. My doctor said RSV season isn't over until April and so i didn't take her until then. It really made a difference. I think i would ask to be released too, or ask for a break until winter is over. A babies health is more important thing for you to worry about right now.

  8. I agree with all the above comments! RSV is so much worse and scary when its a little baby. And being that you are both around kids I wouldn't risk taking her. Don't feel guilty! Love the pictures. Jer and Bode are so cute together. And I can't believe how big Laine is getting... I want to hold her!

  9. I took Jaren when he was 4 or 5 weeks old, and I kind of wish I had waited longer. Especially since I had a C-section and it was hard to carry Jaren and the diaper bag and everything else, even after that long. A lady in the mother's lounge tried to make me feel bad for waiting even that long, and I felt like punching her in the face. I stayed out of the mother's lounge for a couple weeks after that.

  10. both my kids were born in Nov(RSV season) with Brody(my 1st) i didn't take him to church until about 7 weeks. he's still to this day never really been sick either. my second, well we blessed him at 5 weeks and he's adapted well. but i didn't let anyone hold him, actually, today was the first time i let another lady hold him. he's 10 weeks...haha, cruel. i also waited because i wasn't up to par for church...hehe, it could have been an excuse too!

  11. I love this post. I think it's so cute that Bode came in so early to start his doughnut run with his dad.

    I agree with all of the other comments!

  12. I would wait the 6 weeks, and possibly consider asking your bishop for an assistant for your primary class. The assistant wouldn't even have to stay with you the whole time. Maybe just cheack in every 20 minutes or so. That way when you need to nurse, or take care of diaper explosions you can switch out. Good luck. (:

  13. You are totally NOT a wimp. You don't let anyone affect your decision. You are her mother, afterall. It is RSV season and I would wait until you are comfortable bringing her. I didn't know you guys were both teachers for different classes. Gosh. I don't know what they expect you to do. Maybe ask the presidency if you could get a partner to teach with and you could switch off when you are ready.

    By the way, the "donut" story is adorable. What a sweet little boy you have.

  14. girrrrrrrrrrrl! Wait at least 6 weeks! They can get you a sub for that long. Family first... ALWAYS.... then God and church. And don't let anyone make you feel the least bit bad about that! Love your new sweet babe! She's an angel! Love that photo of her! So sweet! Congrats! Shane and I are soooo happy for you! Shane saw that picture of Bode standing on the Tahoe next to Jeremiah and flipped out at how big he is getting! CRAZY! Love and miss you guys!

  15. I had Jocelyn in October and her pediatrician told me not to take her to church for 2 months. I also taught primary when I had her but luckily Adam taught with me. I was so afraid of her getting RSV or any other cold that it was a whole 2 months before I brought her. It's better to be safe then sorry. I would totally wait.

  16. Congrats girl I didn't realize you had her. She is a doll. Girls are so much fun you will love dressing her up.


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