Monday, February 9, 2009

In my past life...

I was an athlete.
Now that my life is feed a kid, nurse a baby, change a diaper, nap.... I decided to remember things that I used to be. I love being a mother and wife, but that is not all that I am. So here are a few post to remind myself of who I once was.
I ran track in high school. I really enjoyed the social aspect of it. You know, it was coed. And I happened to be good at it. I started in 4 grade and I ran the 400 meter dash. I was bummed that I never got to try out for the shorter sprints, they were all taken by the older girls. So I ran the 400 all through mid school. Then I started running the 100, 200 and relays in JR high. In 8th grade I was running in the high 13's. That was faster than the high school girls. There was a rumor going around that I said I could beat all the high schoolers. Ha ha, I was way to shy to talk to hardly any one let alone a high schooler. Anyway when track season rolled around, the "rumor" was true. And I did beat all the high school girls on our team. And most of the girls in our conference. I never took the sport to seriously, I wish I had. I probably would have been a lot better. But I didn't do to bad. I metaled at State in the 100, 200 three years in a row. I wish I could remember what I metaled in, if I got them out I could. But that requires to much effort.
I ran track for three years and got MVP for girls and the coaches award my senior year. I didn't get to run my senior year because I dislocated my knee cap during volleyball season.
I held the record in the 100 meter dash and the 200 meter dash for eight years. Until my little sister broke both of them. I think it might have stung a little bit if it had been someone else, but it was awesome that my little sister broke them. Keeping it in the family.
Just a fun side note. My whole family is well to put it bluntly, we were all pretty studly. My oldest brother Pete played football at University of Wyoming. Jill was a really good softball player. I remember watching her pitch, sometimes I would catch for her. Her balls stung my hand. This maybe why I have a fear of catching a softball now. Tim ran hurdles for a semester in Utah. He was an amazing hurdler. I still can see him in my mind, it is a work of art. Lee my little sister is a volleyball stud. She is currently playing volleyball at GCC. Pete, Tim, Me and Lee all won the Outstanding Athelete at our High School our senoir years.
One time I was with a group of friends and one of them turned to me and asked me if the rumor was true. We lived in a small town, lots of small talk. She had heard that our dad would get us up early so we could run and lift weights. I laugh and said no. I know my dad likes that we were all good at our sports but he never pushed us like that. Ha Ha.
This brings me to my true love... volleyball. I love it! I played softball, basketball, volleyball and track in JR high. Volleyball was the most difficult becasue it didn't come easy for me. It was challenging and I really wanted to be good at it. I played freshman volleyball. Then Varsity my sophomore, junior and senior year. I could go on and on about volleyball. I really just love to play. Hopefully I can find some volleyball to get into down here soon. I wanna play. Oh wait, I need to lose a little weight, then I wanna play!This is me blocking. Man I used to have a vertical. I could block with my elbows.
One other reason why I loved volleyball so much was becasue of the friends I made while playing. These girls where the best teammates. Paige, Stephanie, me and Tosha. Stephanie made volleyball a blast. This was our senior year. At the first tournament of the summer season Steph and I went after the same ball. I dove and so did she. My leg hit her arm and she broke both of the bones in her arm. I was devastated that I aided in breaking her arm. She was my best friend on the volleyball team and I thought I ruined her senior year. But she was a stud!! And was back by our first game.

I went on to play at Eastern Arizona College for 2 years. That was a blast also. I played middle and right side. It was so fun to take the game to the next level. I would have like to keep playing for 4 years, but I had surgery on my knee after my freshman year and decided that it wasn't worth it to ruin my knees completly (plus some other reason, but there is no need to rehash the past) and stopped playing collegiate volleyball after my sophomore year. I have since then coached a few teams, but nothing compares to playing. I don't enjoy coaching as much as playing. Maybe some day I will coach again, right now I just would like to find somewhere for me to play again.


  1. I was really glad to see you write this post. You are a good athlete.
    I loved watching you play. I loved your intensity and total involvement. And your craft.

  2. Sometimes we need just a little reminding that we did have a life before! You guys are all STUDS!

  3. ahh..the past life when my knees were good and i played knees were never good. :) how fun, i love this post! and i totally remember all those early mornings in the weight room with dad screaming in my ear. ya right! :) that's too funny!

  4. Yes you were a stud. So jealous.. I hear you about playing vb again. Luckily I found a group that plays once a week, and I'm sure you can find something too where you live. I feel kinda bad, I never knew about the knee surgery.. Sorry about that. Your babies are adorable by the way!!

  5. Ok, that was so hard for me to read! I don't know why, wait I do know why. Sports were also what my life revolved around in HS. Oh how I miss it! And I totally have to agree with you, the social aspect of track was so much fun! It was fun to read and see what a complete STUDETTE(that is an actual word) you were, and that vertical was amazing!! I hope you can get back into vball again. I tried getting into basketball and screwed up my knee, so be smart and know your limits. We are getting old you know! Thanks for the fun read!


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