Friday, September 5, 2008

Boy or Girl... I have no idea.

We find out what we are having on Monday morning. I guess I have no maternal instinct, my mom says I get that from her, because I have no idea. I thought for sure boy at first. But then I feel so much more sick this time that I really don't know. Jeremiah had a dream we had a girl, and he has more feelings on these things then I do so who knows. Last weekend we went to some yard sales and I found a jack pot of little girl clothes. They were way to cute to pass up so I bought a few outfits. So I bet that means we will have a boy then.

I choose to only believe my bathroom scale. Here is why. I feel like the nurses in my doctors office are a bit hasty to get you on and off the scale. I weigh myself everyday so I can keep track of how much I an gaining week to week, not month to month. Because I don't know about you but it can be quite a shock to step on the scale at the doctors office and see a surprising number. Also I believe my scale because I am not wearing clothes, and you know those only add like 20 lbs right!?! This little paragraph makes it sounds like I have gained a bunch of weight. But I nope. I have gained 2 pounds in 19 weeks. I am just curious to see what my doctors office weighs me at, because I won't believe it. (Don't I sound like a crazy pregnant lady!) I guess I just really do not want to gain 70 lbs again.
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  1. I hate the doc's scale! Yes, I agree...they are too quick and most of the time round up (or I'll let myself think that to make me feel better). But you probably won't gain nearly as much weight this go around. I gained 50 and I know it's because I ate WHATEVER WHENEVER and as much as I wanted. I was in denial that I could gain that much. Now that I know it's possible, I'll be much more careful with my second.

    Two pounds is GREAT!! When are you going to post a belly pic?

  2. It would be fun to see a little Joncas girl! Let us now as soon as you find out!!


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