Friday, September 5, 2008

Day in day out...

Well we are trying oh so hard to get into some sort of routine that goes along with Jeremiah's new work schedule. I do like having him home in the mornings, and we have thoroughly enjoyed having him for 3 day weekends. It is just all our sleep cycles that are in need of repair.

He leaves at 1:00 and I put Bode down for a nap around 1:30-2:00. Not going to lie I put myself down for a nap about the same time. Then bedtime has become a struggle with Bode. He goes in his room at about 8:00 and has quiet time to wind down for about a half an hour looking at books on his bed. Then lights out. But he keeps on getting up, all the time. So my evening consists of me putting him back in bed for an hour or so. He finally falls asleep, who knows when. Then I have a hard time falling asleep with out my hubby in bed beside me. So I stay up until I am sleepy enough to go to sleep, like 11:00. The Jer comes home anytime between 1:oo am and 4:00 am. And I can't help but get up and talk to him. You know I kinda like to talk to him. Bode has also taken to getting up and crawling in out bed 3 or 4 times a night. Which Jer and I have a strict rule of No kids in the bed. So I have been getting up to put him back in there. So to sum up, I am a zombie all day. I actually hate taking a nap during Bode's nap time because that is normally the time I have to myself. Oh well. Things can only get "better" with a newborn making its was in to our home in the not too distant future. haha.

Despite all our sleep issues. Bode has been so fun. We are working hard to talk. He has so many words, but would so much rather gibber-jabber all day. He is completely obsessed with trains. Last night we went to Ross and low and behold they had a piece to his Thomas trains. He sat in the cart the whole time hugging it and only let go of it for a second for the lady to scan it. Then he insisted on sleeping with all his trains, and in one of his early morning rendezvous into my room, he came asking for his trains. He would then only fall asleep after I placed them gently next to his pillow.

On one of Jeremiah's days off he and Bode washed the cars. Bode loves to climb in the bucket and just hang out. What a big helper. I know he doesn't look to happy in these pictures but let me tell you, he loves it and sits in there until he is pruney.


  1. You poor thing.. you are probably completely exhausted! Being pregnant is exhausting enough without the new schedule you have been presented with. Goodness! I am sending sleepy wishes your way so that you can get some ZZZ's. I have only recently gotten used to the sleeping thru the night routine. I don't know how we survived the first weeks of having twins. Good Luck!

  2. Finally someone to share the pain with... I couldn't help but laugh at your schedule problem. Even though you will probably never get use to it, it will get easier!


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