Friday, September 5, 2008

Paisley Papa

Please keep my new niece Paisley in your prayers this week. Rather than repeat what my sister has already written check out her blog for the full story and updates on Paisley's little life.


  1. Brittany told me about her last night. How awful for Jill! We will definitely keep Paisley in our prayers. It sounds like the odds are pretty good with this surgery though, so hopefully things run smoothly.

  2. oh my goodness. I cannot even imagine. I hope your family can find peace with the trial that has been placed before them. I have heard it is pretty common but that doesn't make it any less stressful.
    Cute baby name, by the way, one we actually considered for the girls.

  3. Wow, that is such a hard trial. I will definitely think of her in my prayers.

  4. Your sister has such a good attitude! I can't even imagine what she must be going through. Hope everything works out.

  5. that kinda what Tiffany's daughter, Emmy had? It was something like that...hmmm...just curious.


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