Friday, August 1, 2008

To swiffer or not to swiffer?

So the rental we are in has all tile floors. Every room. The owners did it because she has allergies. But man I there is so much dust collecting on the tile floors I don't know why they would have made a differece. They are good for us because I don't have to worry about Stat or Bode ruining carpet. But can I just say I am missing running my toes through carpet. That is a good feeling I never thought about until I only have tile. Hopefully this weekend we are going to go get a big rug to have carpet in the family room! Hooray!
So I am trying to decide the best way to keep them clean. Only of my least favorite chores is sweeping, go figure. The next would have to be mopping. I can tell right now that these floors are going to have to be done at least twice a week. I have always wondered about the Swiffer. I don't want to go spent the money on all the stuff if it isn't worth it. So is it worth it? I need some advice. Plus what kind should I get?


  1. Oh Heidi, this conversation is right up my alley! I have the swiffer... the one with the vacuum (I like it a lot but the vacuum doesn’t last long). I have tried a lot of different ways to clean my tile, in hopes of finding the most efficient and easiest way. Just sweeping with a broom and then mopping showed me that a lot of hair and dirt was being missed. (You know what I’m talking about, the hair that gets wet and gathers when you mop!) Just using the swiffer wouldn’t get the big pieces that a two year old and dog would bring in, with out having to change the pad a ton of times and the vacuum running out. So, I lightly sweep with the broom, to get the big stuff, and then go over it quickly with the swiffer to get the missed dirt and hair. It really gets it clean because the mop water isn’t as dirty when I do it this way and I don’t about kill myself with those annoying chunks of wet hair! I also use the mopping pads for maintenance and spot mopping during the week (they smell really good too!). Costco sells the sweeping and mopping pads in big boxes, so I feel like I get a better deal that way.

  2. I have the one from Costco as well, however, my aunt (who has 3 puppies and a bunch of kids) has the swiffer mop that you 'squirt' the stuff out. I wish I had that one! It is so handy to just keep in the kitchen and go over spots as needed. I used to help her out at her house a lot, and I loved it! I used it all throughout the day! Good luck!

  3. I am so with you on sweeping and mopping. It's the worst job ever! I'd rather scrub toilets. I have no good ideas... but I'll be checking back on your blog to get others input. I need a new solution.

  4. I LOVE our swiffer, we have the swiffer wet jet and the swiffer vacuum, the vacuum's charge doesn't last long. I LOVE the smell of the cleaning solution on the swiffer wet jet. Our whole place is tile, except in the bedrooms, and we have a cockerspaniel so the swiffer is a must! I too sweep, swiffer, then mop. The swiffer wet jet is great for quick clean ups! Oh, and I'm cheap and use both side of the swiffer pads...I don't know if you are supposed to, but it works!

  5. Hands and knees...that's the only way I can get my tile clean. :) My Swiffer is a WASTE of $$$. :)

  6. I sweep with a swiffer, then I use a regular broom and pan for the bigger stuff, followed by a on the hands and knees number to mop. The swiffer mop thing just makes my floor streaky, but I do like the broom one, it is the only thing that somewhat picks up all the dust we seem to get!

  7. Hey Heidi,
    I heard a while ago that the cleaning agent in the swiffer mop can be harmful to children and pets. (Although I don't see how it can be any worse than regular tile cleaner.) I can't remember where I read it, but I would look into it before I bought it.


  8. Hey Heidi! Remember me?! I know how you feel about not having carpet. When we were first married we were living on the ASU Polytechnic campus in old Air Force Base housing that had wall to wall old and ugly linoleum. I missed carpet so much and insisted that our next house have it. Sorry I can't help you with your swiffer delima though.

  9. Heidi-
    I just bought the most wonderful toy from COSTCO. It is a tile vacuum and it is so quiet and picks up wonderfully. It lays flat so it will fit under the cabinets and furniture. It is totally worth the money. It is an Electrolux, its red and cordless. I love it so much!


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