Tuesday, August 12, 2008

He made it!!

Officer Jeremiah Joncas

Jeremiah was nervous to call cadence. He did a good job though. He and Bode practiced all evening marching down the hall saying "left, left, left, right, left"

It was really cool to see them march and stand at attention.

Getting sworn in. There were a ton of people supporting their officers so I didn't get very many good pictures.

Me, Jeremiah, and Alex
Jeremiah and Jackson. He sat by Jer and was one of his good friends made in the academy.

I am so proud of Jeremiah. He worked so hard to graduate. He was one of the top 5 shooters in the class and graduated with an over all grade of 93% And number 17 in the class. (I hope I got those numbers right.) Again I am so proud of him! Love you Jeremiah!


  1. WOW! CONGRATS!! That is so awesome. Stay Safe, Jeremiah! Try not to stress and worry, Heidi. ;)

  2. Hi Heidi! COngrats on everything! Aww looking at all his grad pics, take me back to when my hubby graduated, except i pinned the badge on upside down.. hehe it was embarassing. i knew Jeremiah back when he was my home teacher awww. Well I hope you 2 are happy and congrats to both of you!

  3. Good pictures. Thanks for posting. It sure paints a picture.

  4. Wohoo! Congrats to Jeremiah! I remember watching my dad graduate! That was forever ago!!! Hope everything is going well for you all! How is the valley treating you?

  5. Hey Congratulations!! Josh is in the Academy right now and should finish in December. I don't really know your hubby but I'm sure he's going to make a great police officer. Good luck! Hope all is well!


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