Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well Bode must think he is a big boy now. Three times he came to my yesterday and said "pee, pee" , then he would take off his pants and diaper and stand by the potty. So I thought why not put him up there, but each time he would flip out and scream to get off. So I would put his diaper back on and sure enough, I would feel the front and it was all warm with fresh pee pee. Then last night he was fussing around in his crib before bed so I peaked at him and there he was all naked from the waist down. What could I do but laugh! He was just sayin' pee pee!! I really don't think he is ready for potty training yet, but I don't want him to be discouraged if he is interested in the potty. Maybe he isn't needing to pee, maybe he just likes the wind on his buns or other places.


  1. That's hilarious!! I hate that in- between stage when they're not quite ready, but they want to. You look back and laugh! It's nice to have you guys here again!

  2. Maybe if you get one of those little potties that go on the floor it won't be so scary and he could learn that way.

  3. I think it's the latter...wind in his buns or something...so cute!

  4. Just take some pictures to save for blackmail later. My experience is that sooner or later they all get potty trained.

  5. Spencer and MarleeApril 20, 2008 at 9:50 PM

    That's funny! I remember that my little brother would only pee outside for the first while.

    ARe you still doing vinyl lettering?

  6. No my belly is so NOT looking cute. I was just telling Trevor how unattractive I feel every day! I don't ever feel cute anymore. I really shouldn't complain because I have had such an easy pregnancy thus far, but I so do not like actually being pregnant!

  7. Hey girl! Well I actually have two sayings, depending on the cost.
    "Always Kiss Goodnight"
    "It's All Because Two People Fell In Love."
    Let me know how much that would be. I may only be able to do one. Thanks Heidi!


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