Thursday, January 31, 2008

Skittles...Arrows...and the little Klepto

My sister Jill has been updating her blog with old stories about when she was a kid. So to follow in her footsteps I decided to write down a few of mine also.


I remember in 5th grade was the time when boys and girls started to have boyfriends and girlfriends. I am sure that it started before this but I was not aware. I remember really wanting a boy to like me, but no none of them did. One day we got back from computers and there was a pack of Skittles on my desk. This happened to a lot of the other girls in the class, boys would secretly sneak candy or a little gift on the desk or cubby of the girl they liked. Anyway I was super excited about this. So I went and sat down and the cute boy in class came over to my desk and grabbed the Skittles and said "Opps I thought that was Tiffany's desk" and then gave them to her. I never got candy on my desk in 5th grade.

Update: I was talking to my older sister Jill and we were reminiscing about how we have the same romantic luck as each other. You boys liked us. I told this to my little sister and this is what she said "well I never had that problem, I always got candy grahams and stuff from boys" What can you do...I guess she is the pretty one.


In 2nd grade we had a huge playground. It was really open and surrounded by trees. I played with the same group of kids everyday and sometimes, like little kids often do, we would get in little fights about what we were going to play. One day I really wanted to play hot lava tag on the big toy play set on the play ground and no one else wanted to. I got really mad and ran away. I was being dramatic and wanted everyone to follow me. After awhile I noticed no one was following me so I figured that if I make arrows on the ground then they would all know were I was so they could find me. So I spent the whole recess finding little sticks to make arrows in the dirt so they could come find me...they never did.

Little Klepto

(this story is really embarrassing for me)

This was 1st grade. And to put it bluntly... I stole lots of little things. I have no idea why I did it or how long I had done it but I did. Just randomly took things. But remember when I got caught.

I took this little tape measure off this boy's desk. Then to make sure no one knew I had it I sat on it. My teacher must have seen me do this becasue she came right over and asked me if I had something that wasn't mine and I said no. Then she told me to stand up, so I did, but I squeezed the little tape measure between my legs so it wasn't in the chair anymore. So then she told me to spread my legs and plop it fell to the floor. I was so embarrassed! She called my Mom and Dad and boy was I in trouble. I remember being really concerned that I had stole things and sinned, but then being really happy I was only 7 and wasn't baptized yet.


  1. That is too funny. I have lots of little stories like that. When I was real young I stole a key chain from the church book store by putting it down my swim suit. My mom saw it and spanked my butt in the parking lot and then made me return it. Talk about a real sinner. I had a hair cut just like that too. And I dont think boys even started liking me til highschool. I have some pretty sad stories about that, but I'll spare you for now.

  2. Oh my! I seriously laughed so hard. I'll give you skittles anytime you want! I think you are super cute.

    The boys I wanted to have like me never seemed to when I was little, but I like to think I made up for that later...

  3. That is so funny! The three of you are practically triplets and beautiful. I never would have pegged you as a klepto! HA! HA! :0)

  4. I never would have guessed you were a klepto or ever had trouble with boys liking you!


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