Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Dating Story

( My mom snapped this picture the first time Jeremiah came home with me,
my family wanted to see who he was. I was a bit embarrassed by that.)

1. Where did you meet your husband?
The institute at EAC. One of the few times I would go there during volleyball season. He was there playing basketball.

2. What was the first thing you said to your husband?

Probably hello. I know I was with a group of girls and I said something to the effect of "we are all single here" I guess that was me sneaky or not so sneaky way of telling him I was interested.

3. Where was your first date? Our first official date was a Homecoming/Halloween Dance at EAC. But we had already hung out for about a week straight before that. We actually didn't go to the dance though it looked pretty boring, instead we got hilly-b's burritos and went to the park to play on the swings.

4. Where was your first kiss? On the floor watching a movie at his apartment, I made the first move. He was a chicken.

5. Did you have a long or short engagement? Short it you count the actual day we got engaged. It was Christmas Eve and then we got married February 5.

6. Where did you get engaged? He woke me up we early in the morning. We got hot cocoa and watched the sunrise at Porter Mountain.

(This was kinda fun to do, I won't officially tag anyone but do it if you want)


  1. I remember the night you first met him. Just the way you guys looked at each other when you talked that night I knew you guys were going to get married. Is that crazy or what? I even told Sarah that night that I thought you two would get married.

  2. what a sweet "story".. and adorable pics.

  3. How cute. I remember when we first meet Jer. I remember thinking that he had no problem talking with everyone and making himself fit in and be comfortable. I liked him from the beginning! You made a great choice and he got really lucky too!


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