Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tag I'm it...

Six things about me:

1. I hate cake. Yucky, it is gross. I think I probably hate frosting on the cake more than the cake itself, and the combination of the two is disgusting.

2. I could watch TV all day, literally. I have to force myself to turn it off and do my household chores. I especially like to watch I Love Lucy re-runs, Home Improvement, and the list goes on and on. I don't want my kids to watch TV all day so I have to try extra hard to make myself turn it off.

3. I walk into a house and mentally rearrange it, even if it looks good. If there was a need for an interior designer in the White Mountains I would seriously go to school for it. But since it is not a big business up here I will just pretend to do it in my head when I go to people's homes. (sorry if this offends you)

4. I love to bargain shop. The only thing that I buy if it is not on sale is jeans, go gotta go all out on those. Other than that I love to shop the sale rack. As Jessica would call it I love to "dig" through racks of sale items and find the best thing.

5. I am the worst laundry do-er ever. I can never seem to get it done. The clothes pile in mounds everywhere and I hate it. But never enough to do to much about it. If I could have a maid all I would need her for was to do laundry and scrub tubs.

6. Some-days I stay in my pj's all day. I know I am not the only one so I don't feel to awful about this. I think I do it becasue I hate getting ready. You know shower, blow dry my hair and find something to wear. It can take so long for me. I am always impressed with my mother who stays home everyday but will get ready everyday. I really should do better for my hubby.


  1. I know what you mean about rearranging someone's house. It really is a matter of opinion, and sometimes their house is just fine, but I would change things. But you have seen my house, so I am sure you have mentally changed it, but I haven't got to be at your house, so that just doesn't seem right...

  2. so how would you re-arrange my house??? huh??

  3. Thats why we just had ice cream for your birthday!! It is all clear to me now. By the way I stay in my pj's way too much too.


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