Sunday, August 19, 2007


Getting a hair cut. If you look close enough you can see
a few killer mosquito bites on his forehead.

Well I know Bode isn't really quite 18 months old yet, but we shoved him off to nursery. I have my Primary calling so Jer has had sole responsibility of the kid during the last two blocks. Our nursery isn't all that big, like less than 10 kids, they welcomed him in with open arms. They were asking me if I should stay with him the first time but I said no. He really likes other kids and for the most part he doesn't need me around. When I came to pick him up they said he didn't even fuss or notice I was gone. I guess there are a few kids that are like 20-24 months that still won't stay the whole time without a major commotion. Oh well I bet the next time he will freak out just to remind me he isn't the angel child I sometimes think he is.

He was so little.

Stat is getting huge. He is almost completely house trained. He only has an accident by the front door when I am not paying attention. He still hasn't figured out that is he made a noise or scratched at the door that I would let him out. He is sleeping in our room on his pillow all night long. At six in the morning he puts his head on me and wants to go out. He and Bode are pals. They run around with each other until they both collapse.

Out with the old, in with the new.

Jeremiah is doing well. He is getting ready to take all his testing to get licensed this fall. And we are waiting on grants and our fasfas to see when he can start the NAU program to get his bachelors. He is getting ready to sell the orange jeep. We are going to keep the white one and get a lift on it for him and get a more dependable family car for us. We are trying to decide if we want a Jeep Grand Cherokee or a Nissan X-Terra. Whatever we get it will be fun to have power everything. I love my little white jeep but it would be great to have power windows, locks ext.

The varsity team at camp this summer.

Volleyball season had started! YEA! I love this time of year. Won't say the same for Jer though. It takes up time but I know I won't coach forever so I enjoy every minuet. I am assisting the varsity this year instead of having the JV team. It is fun to work with girls with a little more skill and a bit less pressure for me. I am watching a little boy at my house in the mornings three days a week. His name is Danner and he is four. I feel bad for him because I don't have older kid toys. He does play with Bode but nap time is a bummer for him. So on Wednesday we mopped and vacuumed. And on Thursday he played computer games. has some good ones.

Anyway that is what we have been up to lately. Hope everyone had a great weekend.


  1. Look at that Bode, checking himself out in the mirror. You are raising quite the metro! :) Get a jeep cherokee like me! Don't break the mold! Everyone has one....

  2. Bode is adorable as always. And lucky you for getting to send him to nursery a little early! I can't wait until they will let Kamden in. Oh and could you email me on how you get your blog so cute? My email is Thanks!

  3. Wow.. you guys are so busy lately! Doesn't life just fly right on by? Love all the pictures! So stinkin' cute! oh and that is so exciting about the new vehicle! WAHOO! I remember when I first got power everything... it was very strange and awesome.. so enjoy it.. cause I think I take it for granted now. Take care of yourselves!

  4. Heidi-look at my blog and click on that Fall Swap thing. I'm doing it, you can too!

  5. Hey, looks like you guys are doing well. I don't have a chance to comment often but here I am. Power everything is nice, but don't sell out for a large payment. stick with what you've got, it will pay off later. Just kidding, buying our car has been the best and worst decision I have made. It's nice, but it would be nice to not shell out half a paycheck each month. I love you guys and keep fightin the good fight. :) Okay I really need to stop, sorry. - Tim -

  6. Hey I hope to see you in St. Johns when your team plays ours. Maybe I will even be able to steal you for a couple minutes to come see my house!


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