Monday, June 4, 2007

Not Much...

Bode playing with Stat. He has an easter basket on his head. He kept it on all evening long.

Well thing have been pretty normal around here lately. Now that Jeremiah doesn't have a jeep to work on he gets pretty bored. Bode has a cold. Bode and I stayed home from church because he was a little snot factory.

I started working about a week ago. I am teaching at a preschool a mile or so from our house. Only 4 hours a day. I have a girl from our ward come watched Bode. She is 12 and super exited about having a "summer job". I only pay her $1.50 an hour, which to me is nothing and to her she feels like she is making the big bucks. Ah to be young and have no bills.

We are working hard to get grass in our yard, and when I say we I mean Jeremiah. I for one can't rototill so the job rests on his shoulders.

Our little puppy is a sweetheart. Now that Bode is over his jealousy issues they are good pals. They chase each other around the house and Bode laughs so hard. I was going to do crate training with Stat, but he changed my mind. I brought him in from playing outside and he found a couch pillow that was on the floor and curled up on it to sleep. So I put a pillow in the laundry room where he sleeps and now he wont sleep in the crate but in various positions on the pillow.


  1. That's to cute Heidi!! We can't wait to meet him!!

  2. Bode cracks me up! We are coming up there in a couple weeks, can't wait to see the new puppy.

  3. Little Bode... what a character! I want to come up and see Bode play with Stat. We can have fun laughing at Abbey being scared of Stat coming up to her (but that won't stop her from wanting to play with him). I loved the pictures of him sleeping, so funny!

  4. It was cool catching up with you guys! Bode is sure a cutie Heidi and Jeremiah's other woman ain't too bad either. :)

  5. ok so you spoiled us last week with all those blogs.. now nothing in 4 days?! what on earth am I going to read?


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