Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Mom's New Year's Resolutions.

1. Get more "me" time - I think I can get this one locked up if I can figure out a way to go to the bathroom during the day without the kids following me in or yelling through the door.

2. Become more flexible - Does this mean I will begin a stretching routine? No way. I can stretch just as well by trying to negotiate a diaper change with my toddler.

3. Watch less TV - Sheesh, this is an easy one. I don't even watch all those cartoons. It's just background noise anyway.

4. Be a better disciplinarian - This will include not laughing when my kids do something silly while I am scolding them or sending them to time out.

5. Spend more time with my husband - For the record, quality time is not defined by us both falling asleep on the couch during a movie.

6. Join a mom's group - This may be the most difficult one yet. The key is to find one where the moms actually like each other, as opposed to having them smiling politely at each other, then gossiping to their husbands while driving home about how evil the other moms are.

Yes, I know I listed six instead of five. This way, if I miss the mark on one or two, I won't feel as guilty because I still came close, right?

I'll keep my resolution when...


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