Sunday, January 7, 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Bode has been such a cheese this week. This is his new smile face. His two bottom teeth are in and the top two are just starting to poke through. He will bite your finger off if you try to touch them, so we stay away from that.
The link is so funny, click on it and you will see why.

We got a few inches of snow on Friday. Not enough to stick around for long, but enough to cover all the rocks and plants. Jeremiah has been reffing a lot of games. He is getting better and better. I think he likes it more now that he has done more games and it isn't as stressful.

I know this seems like a random picture and it kind of is... but this is Jeremiah's jeep soft top he sold on eBay. To ship is to Connecticut we had to cut apart two boxes and tape them together. We were worried because the shipping estimates we got on the Internet we like $100.00 bucks!! We only sold it for around $200.00 so that would almost cancel out the profit. So Jer went to the post office and he had happened to of done an appraisal for the post master and they kinda cut us a deal and is only cost $70.00 instead.

We have been doing some fun home improvement stuff this week. I got ambitious and painted Bode's bath room and won this cute shower curtain/bath mat from Pottery Barn off eBay. (if you can't tell we really enjoy buying and selling stuff on eBay) I can't wait to put it all together.
Then yesterday we finished off the dining room with a wall of bead board. I love it and was surprised when Jeremiah said I could put it up. The picture isn't very good, but it looks really nice in that room. When we moved in I wanted bead board in the family room or in the kitchen or basically anywhere, but we got leather furniture and it wouldn't look right. So I figure I would't get any in this house. I mentioned to Jer it would look good in the dining room a week ago and yeah now I have some.


  1. Yay for bead board! I love that table! Where did you get it. I want one like that, if I could talk Trevor into it.....And even though bead board tends to look more country, w/ that table, I would say it looks quite contemporary.

  2. I love the pictures and the video is adorable!

  3. Bode's smile is so cute!! Love the bead board too, we need to come up so we can see it in person!

  4. Haha!! I found myself making the same face as your boy when we watched the video.. so cute. Totally contagious smile.


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