Friday, January 26, 2007

Happy Hour?!?

(Nobody has to read this it is just a bit of a rant that felt good to type out)

So every morning I watch the Today Show on NBC while I get ready, this morning they did a piece that really pushed my buttons. It was on play dates for children where the mothers get together and have a drink. They called it "Happy Hour" a time in the day where they could get together with friends, their kids could play and they could have a cocktail. These mothers really had no problem with the fact that they we drinking in front of their children.

I understand wanting to have time with other people to talk about things other than Baby Einstein and diaper creams. I often wish there were people around to get together with to just hang out. But there have got to be a more healthy and constructive way to spend and afternoon.
They all defended themselves by saying "I know how much I can have," "I don't do it to get drunk," and "It is just a way to unwind." One of the women has written a book about all of this and she basically feels that people who oppose this kind of activity are just judgemental and are just finding fault in others parenting style.

I was thinking about all of this are I just can't believe how may people think that their actions don't affect others. These mothers are basically telling their children that the only way to have fun in a social setting is to have alcohol present. Then in ten years they are confused by the fact that their sixteen year old child in an alcoholic.

In high school I had a few friends that were very into partying. I know that for some people that is a phase that teenagers go through, but the most disturbing part of this is that their parents supplied the alcohol, and had the parties at their homes. I think that many parents today have given up disciplining their children, opting for a more relaxed and open parenting style. Roughly translated in to; I am a cool parent, I want my child to be my best friend, so I'll never say no and let them do anything they want and hope for the best.
A person can have a million friends and only one set of parents, do your job accordingly.


  1. Girl.. I totally agree. I really like what you said. I think parents need to step up and be parents. You can be a "cool" parent and still put your foot down on certain things. I also think that your kids watch you like hawks.. and it's important to always set an example for them. Thanks for posting...

  2. You are exactly right. I don't agree with this whole happy hour deal at all. I have been dying to have people over just to hang out, but there just aren't many people to do that with. I would love to have like a super bowl party and have friends and food and kids over. Why can't people do more things like that where at least no bad habits (other than football on Sunday)? We are supposed to be the examples


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