Sunday, January 21, 2007

Snow Glorious Snow!!!!

Holy Moly... the snow is piling up outside. The weather channel never says that we will get that much snow, but they were really wrong this time. This snowed almost all day yesterday and it has been snowing since we got up today.
We got all ready for church and Jeremiah shoveled a path do the car and by the time we actually got in the car there was a fresh inch of snow were he has cleared it. Then we got to church at 11:00 and they announced that there would only be sacrament meeting today and not the last two hours. By the time we got home there was about 3 more inches of snow on the ground.

Bode has a rough week. He had a little cold at the beginning of the week that progressed into croup by Wednesday night. He woke up coughing, the only was I could describe it is like a goose or a house kind of noise. He was up from 12:00 to 4:30. Needless to say we didn't get to much sleep that night. He went to the doctor and got some medicine and now he is fine, thank goodness.

He is getting into everything. He is on the verge of standing by himself but he is just a chicken. Now that he has top and bottom teeth he bites everything, I actually have teeth marks on my hand! How do you teeth a kid not to bite you? He also figured that his new teeth are great for eating things. He takes little bites of things like cookies and crackers. To cute.

Here is my wonderfully dorky husband. Even though there is 12" of snow on the ground he is wearing shorts. To top it off he has snow boots on too. Some days I guess he just misses the valley. He didn't want us to take a picture but we snapped this one at my Mom's house.


  1. That looks really cold!!! Flagstaff was cold too, glad we are home! Sorry to hear about Bode! And Jeremiah you look like a dork!!!
    Hey I would love to do your family pictures!! Let me know when, we'd love to come up for a visit and I can take them then! I'm sure there is a ton of neat places to take them up there! Just wait til the snow melts -k-?!

  2. Oh my! You guys got even more snow than we did. What a mess. I hate it, but it did mean we got a two hour delay at school, and I was really quite happy about that. I even did a little dance around the house I was so excited.

  3. Thats a lot of snow! I'm not a fan of cold weather so I think I'll stick with living at the beach! And the picture of Bode is adorable!


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