Sunday, August 19, 2012


This week my sister in law got married. It was a beautiful ceremony and the happy couple was just that, so happy. It was also nice to spend so much time with my husband the last few days. I am always thankful that he is such a great guy. He works hard for our family. But more that doing things for our family and kids he is so great to me. He is always very aware of my feeling, wants and needs. I am so very lucky to have him. One thing that was said during the ceremony was that you are no longer an I, me or mine but you become a we, us and ours. It was a nice reminder for me that we are a unit working together. Love you Jeremiah.


  1. Loved your posts! Miss you and your family. You are right, I could just eat up your little Piper!!

  2. I love that you had a good time with Jeremiah. It has been too long since I have seen Piper. A month is a year in the life of a growing baby. So that makes it a long time.


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