Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oh the sweetness of a baby...

There is something so special about having a baby in your home.
They are so pure, sweet and, simple.

I love to watch babies learn new things. Finding her hand this day was a big deal.
She would bring it up so slow, inspecting every aspect of it, then shove it in her mouth.

Looking for toes and finding them every time is such an accomplishment.

She makes the night time routine more fun for Bode. He love to read her his book.
She happily coo's at all the right times.

Laine loves to hold "her Hipes" on the couch and watch a show.

These little smiles make every late night and sleepless moment so worth it.

Bright eyes make long work days easier.

Even she knows she is special.


  1. She is so sweet, and it looks like the older ones are doing well with her there. And I love the pictures of them with their little sister!

  2. This post makes me SO excited!! She's so cute!! Loved the videos of Bode and Jeremiah! Babies just make anyone happy! (as long as the baby is happy!! Ü) Love her green dress in the first two pictures too!! I need a Piper fix... We should do lunch!

  3. Makes me want to grab one and squeeze! I sure love your babies, Heidi.

  4. She is so cute! I love that green dress!

  5. I absolutely agree! I love having babies in the house, hmmmm, should I add another one? I especially love the way daddies are with babies, so sweet.


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