Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's really only Wednesday...

Sheesh. This has been a long week. 

Laine- She woke up in the early morning last Friday. She was screaming at the tops of her lungs because she had a bloody nose. Not your average bloody nose. Like a faucet of blood running from her nose. She was freaking out because the blood had gotten all over her princess-ballerina jammies. After 20 min of non stop bleeding and screaming I started to worry. By then Bode was up and he turned into a super helper. Him being there calmed her down. He got my phone, extra tissue and the shout. I called Jer to tell him what was going on and he wrapped up work and came home. After what seemed liked forever the bleeding stopped. I changed her clothes, picked up the mess, got everyone back to bed, and started the laundry to save the princess-ballerina jammies. By then it was almost 5am. Seriously not 5 seconds after my head hit the pillow Piper was up and ready to eat. Thankfully by then my dear sweet husband was home and took her. He let me sleep until about 8:30. By then it was clear that Laine was sick. She had a fever and was acting pretty punk. So after a trip to the urgent care we found out she had strep throat. Fast forward to today. She is almost back to her sweet self. She was pretty happy all day until she hit the corner of her head/eye on the trampoline while driving by it on the power wheel. Now she has a black eye.

Mom- I went to bed on Monday night thinking the wind had made my allergies act up. I was wrong. Slept absolutely awful that night. I woke up with chills, sore throat and a fever. Jer had to do some training for work and was gone for most of the day. Luckily for me Bode went to school. Laine was still feeling kind of sick so she was happy to lay low with me and Piper was a great little baby. When Jer got home he took care of the kids while I rested. I went to bed around 8 and woke up at 5 feeling 99% better. Good thing too because...

Bode- Woke up at 5 Wednesday morning with a fever, chills, sore throat and a killer cough. He has been sick all day. he even coughed so much he threw up. After a few breathing treatments, asthma treatments and starting a round of antibiotics he is starting to make some improvement. He just wants to get hugs and snuggle. He did have one funny moment this afternoon when we were watching tv. He freaked out about going to college. He was just crying and crying in my arms telling me he was scared to go to college and he doesn't want to go. He said he would miss my hugs. Oh the sweet thoughts of a 5 nearly 6 year old boy. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

Piper- She had her 4 month check up today. She is a short, chubby little gal. She weight 14 1/2 pounds, which puts her in the 90th percentile for weight. She is 24 1/2 inches long with puts her in 30th percentile for weight. She has had a killer flat spot on the back left side of her head. The doctor decided that is it bad enough to go see a specialist. So we will be going sometime to see if she needs a helmet to reshape her head. 

Jeremiah- He has been a great dad and husband this week. He has let me sleep all night and sleep in the mornings too. He took care of the kids. Fed them, dressed them, and got them to bed. I am so grateful to have him. I also hope he doesn't get sick.

And just because I can't blog without a picture...

This was last week some time. She finally got him to play dress ups! She was so excited. He was such a good sport, right down to the pink cowboy books.


  1. So I guess the Papa's aren't allowed to come visit anytime soon again, eh? Sorry you guys got sick. That's interesting about her head. Quinn was the same way, but we opted to let it be. Sometimes I wonder if we should have done the helmet? Oh well. :)

  2. My favorite part of this story is Bode helping you with Laine and maybe the fear of college.

  3. L.O.V.E. the picture - and the fear of college. I can picture it all.... Bode looks thrilled to be in his dress and boots. :) Sooo sorry you had a horrific week. Hate those. Here's to getting past it all!

  4. Oh man that is a long week for you guys! Sick kids are heartbreaking especially when the mom is sick. I'm sorry. It's so true though how it starts out with allergies than it turns into some major flu. We all just got over it. Hopefully you guys are over the worst of it. Wind go away right. Ha!


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