Monday, January 23, 2012

The toilet is not a stadium...

This is a beyblade.

This is a beyblade stadium.

This is a toilet. Not a beyblade stadium.

The other day Bode was going to the bathroom. He had been in there for a while finishing his business. Then all I hear is screaming and crying over his beyblade in the toilet. So I go in and sure enough there is his favorite beyblade a the bottom of the toilet swimming in his #1 and sitting close to his #2. Y.U.C.K. I first tried a pair of tongs. That only pushed it down further. So I had to do it. I told Bode he was so luck I was going to to this. I stuck my hand in there and got it out. GAG. I tossed the tongs and washed my hands over and over again. Then that favorite beyblade got a 24 hour bleach bath. Bode felt bad. He made me a butterfly, gave me a hug and told me thank you for saving it. There is now a very strict no toys in the bathroom rule.

1 comment:

  1. Well told! You can't make this stuff up! I will stay tuned for more.


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