Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Normal would be nice...

So... one week after Piper was born we were back in the hospital.

Last Thursday night Bode got up around 3 in the morning because he said he had a headache. He didn't have a fever but I gave him tylonal and he went back to sleep. He slept in a bit but was ready and happy to go to school when he did wake up.

I got a call from the school around 2:45. I picked him up and he looked pretty sick. He didn't even move when I walked into the nurses office. When we got home it all went down hill pretty fast. I gave him more tylenol  because his fever was right around 101. Then he started to have some labored breathing. We have a nebulizer because just about every time he gets a cold he gets wheezy. So I gave him a treatment and when I went to take it off he started to panic. Like scary chest heaving breathing. So I just left it on and thankfully Jeremiah came home right then. He had been in court all day. He rushed Bode to the urgent care and they told him to go to the ER.

They got him kind of calmed down and decided to admit him into the hospital. Since the hospital closes to us doesn't have a pediatric unit he got transferred to Thunderbird later in the evening. Bode's breathing was really bad, his oxygen levels were low and his heart rate was high.

Seeing as I had literally had a baby 7 days before I wasn't able to go with him. That broke my heart. I felt so helpless sitting around waiting for Jeremiah's updates. Jer was super tired because he had been up late with Piper so I could get a few hours of sleep and then he had court all day. Laine couldn't figure out what was going on. I called Rena and asked if she could come over and spend the night. I was already so physically tired and the stress of Bode's situation I just knew I wouldn't be able to handle taking care of Laine. 

He was transferred to the other hospital to continue breathing treatments. The doctors diagnosed him with a double pneumonia.  After a long night he was seen by a respiratory therapist. He talked with me on the phone and after getting his history and looking at the charts the doctor diagnosed him with asthma. 

This makes so much sense! We had always kind of thought that he might have asthma. Whenever he gets a cold it almost always turns into at least an upper respiratory infection. Any cold he would get I would automatically pull out the nebulozer and do some breathing treatments. They diagnosed him with exercise asthma with one of his biggest triggers a cold. He doesn't get winded when he runs around or plays really just when he gets sick. 

He ended up staying in the hospital for 2 nights and came home Sunday afternoon. I was able to go see him Saturday morning. He was looking much better and was enjoying the attention of the nurses at the hospital. Jeremiah was so tired. I felt awful that I couldn't give him a break. I got to visit with Bode for about and hour while Jer sat in the car with Piper. Bode was excited to see me. He showed me his iv, the pulse monitor. He told me all about the tests they ran on him and that he liked this hospital better than the other one because in the other one they made him wear a gown with pink in it. At this one he got awesome ones that were blue. I hated to leave him there but he was in good hands.

He was sent home with a plethora of medicines and asthma treatments. We are going to do a follow up appointment and get set up with a respiratory therapist to learn more and keep it under control.

I am so grateful for great family, friends and our ward for all the help gave us the last week. We have had meals brought in, my house was all cleaned by ward members and Laine was watched over so I didn't have to worry about her at all.

Now we are on the way back to normal. It was an emotional week and I am glad it is over. 


  1. I am so glad he is better! We went through the same thing with jack, before they properly medicated him, he had pneumonia 9 times in 2the years! Poor Bode hopefully they can prevent it now!

  2. Seeing his hospital pictures makes me feel bad for him all over again. I am glad he is better and that you have the asthma diagnosis so you are a wiser mother.

  3. Oh man, I missed all this! So sorry. I am glad you were well looked after...life sure throws us some curve balls every once in awhile,eh?! Hope everything has calmed down for you!


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