Sunday, September 11, 2011

I am sure I am not the only one who is ready to scream these days, right? It is September and it is still H-O-T outside. I am well aware of the fact that I live in the valley of the sun but I am ready for some change in the weather. Just when I thought I couldn't take it any longer the clouds rolled in, the wind started to blow and the lightning and thunder brought in the rain. Granted it was at night and has only been around for 2 days. It was much welcomed by me. I read somewhere the other day that the valley was close to 50 days of 100+ degree weather. This week it is slowly creeping down the charts. I am glad that the evenings are starting to cool down. Last night the kids and I played outside for about an hour. They rode bikes and scooters while I chatted with a neighbor. It was nice. I am looking forward to cool evenings, playing outside and taking my kids to the park again.

With the (slow) change in the seasons, you know, from hot to less hot. It makes me excited for fall. My favorite season. I love the colors, smells and tastes of fall. Cinnamon candles, orange and carmels come to mind.  I think I will wait just a bit longer to pull out all my fall decorations, not that long though.

I am not sure if it is the heat, my age or the fact that this is my third pregnancy but it has been a doozey.  I am pretty sure is has been a combination of the 3. Everyday for the last month and a half I get up thinking two things; Can it please be October? and When can I take a nap? I am grateful that I am able to carry our  children. That we have never really had a problem conceiving our children and that my pregnancies thus far have had no complications and have resulted in 2 healthy babies. It doesn't however change the fact that pregnancy is hard. Hard on me, my husband, my kids and my house. My body is screaming. My back, hips and pelvic bones have been giving me my biggest complains. It is so not fun to feel your bones pop and click all day pretty painful too. I have had a few days that have put me close to a break down. Like an "I want to give up, lay on a heating pad and not get up until October 26th" kind of days. BUT I can't do that. So I decided that it makes no sense for me to feel that way. It helps no one and puts us all in a bad mood. I think an attitude change was what I needed to do for myself. Granted me attitude can not change the aches and pains but it sure can make me deal with them better. Now rather than me keeping on wishing it was October and my due date, I think about just making it through the day. Each day brings me one day closer to holding my newborn in my arms and one day closer to me having my body back.  I just go about my day, taking care of kids, my husband, doing laundry cooking and keeping up on the house, taking breaks when needed. I think that this last week has been much better since my attitude adjustment. I guess this is all from my point of view. Talk to my husband, he might have a different story...

I sat in the last hour with the sunbeam class in my ward today. Three different kids commented on my belly. One said "It looks like it is going to pop!" the next asked me "Why do you have a balloon up your dress?" and "Is that a ball under there?". Leave if to innocent 3 and 4 year olds to tell it how it is. Yes, my belly is so very round, hard and sticks straight out. Most women will delicately dance around that fact. They say things like "wow you are all belly" or "you have really popped out". Makes me laugh to look at myself in the mirror.
It is quite the belly and still has a few weeks to go.

1 comment:

  1. oh how i feel your pain. glad you wrote this, maybe i'll have a change in attitude too... well my husband is gone until wednesday night, so maybe AFTER that!


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