Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Girls, Girls, Girls...

You are about to be over run with sisters.

I had a doctors appointment today to figure out what we are having. Everyone had their guess when we went in and all of us but Laine were wrong. To our surprise we found out we are having another girl! I had been trying to be impartial about my feeling either way. Bode and Jer were both vocal about their desire for another brother to play with. Laine has said all along that she wanted a "sidder". Laine got her way, as she almost always does. We are excited! She obviously is meant for our family and we are all happy to meet her in October.

This morning I had talked myself into thinking it was a boy. But as I was getting ready this morning I just knew it was going to be a girl. When we walked into the ultrasound room Bode sat down on the chair, crossed his fingers and started chanting "boy, boy, boy, boy". I got a little worried at the time when he heard it was a girl, he would burst out in tears. But no, he got up on his knees and said, "well, now I will have 2 sisters". 

Jer and I were both in bit of shock. I had to go to the store to pick out something tiny and pink for it to really sink in for me. Jeremiah said he needed to eat some Panda Express and then the shock will wear off. Every time after we find out the gender of the new baby we go to the store and buy a tiny new outfit. This time Laine and Bode were so excited to pick something out. I let them choose, with a bit of guidance or we would have come home with a neon pink onsey and a Minnie Mouse pj set. They oooed and awed over all the cute little pink things and finally choose a stripped, pink and white outfit. It was fun.

Lucky for me, I get to decorate Laine and Baby Girl's little room so cute! I can't wait to get started.

Profile with a hand/arm up by her face.

Front face view. You can see the eyes, a kind of flattened out nose, mouth and chin.

And the full moon.


  1. Congratulations! How lucky for Laine to be able to have a sister. I hope you're feeling well and I really hope October comes soon!! :)

  2. That is so exciting!! I remember those days are just so special!


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