Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Musings from the week...

    • I watched the Royal Wedding last weekend. Not live, just a recording. Bode watched a little bit of it with me and had a friend over that morning I had it on. They were both eating lunch causally watching the wedding party in the horse drawn carriage go from the Abbey to the Palace. These two little boys did not get what all the fuss was about. They kept talking to each other trying to decide what I was watching. Bode's friend turned to Bode and said, "it must be a parade, all they do is wave and smile". Bode replied, " it can't be a parade, they aren't throwing any candy". Laine on the other hand sat with me for about 10 minutes ohhing and ahhing while the bride got out of her car and walked down the aisle. She got it.

  • Bode and Laine have been playing house a lot the last few days. Laine has three baby dolls and they are each getting the best of care. Bode told Laine it was time to give them a bath. He told her she needs to make sure to "scrub all the hair real good, clean their buns and make sure there is no poop on them". Laine noticed my sister nursing her little daughter and every since then, at least once a day, you can find Laine nursing one of her babies. She is very careful to grab a blanky and cover herself all up. She then tells me her "babee hungee, she eatn' now". She then will take it up to her room lay it on her bed then turn off the light, come down stairs and tell me her "babee s sleepn, shh, be quiet, no wake her up or you get her". 

  • Bode got all ready for bed himself the other night. He thought her was quite clever. He came in boasting of the Santa on his pants and the cars on his shirt. 

          He then proceeded to sing this little song to the tune of "Santa Clause is Coming to Town"
 (pointing to the pants) 
Santa Clause is coming, 
Santa Clause is coming to town.... 
(pointing to the shirt) 
in a CAR!!!!

          He thought he was really funny and just laughed and laughed.

  • The first day of June we will start potty training Laine Jo. To get her used to the idea I bought a pack of underwear for her to try. She likes to take off her diaper and go toot on the potty and laugh. She will then wipe, nothing because nothing came out, and then flush the potty and say "goodbye poops". This morning she came upstairs completely naked. I asked her if she wanted a diaper and she said "no, I want unerwears". I thought yay! She wants to wear them, maybe she is more ready to potty train than I thought. I caught her about a half an hour later naked again with a pair of cut up underwear. She found a pair of scissors and showed me what she really thinks about underwear and potty training. Sheesh. It is bound to be a long summer.

  • Bode is great a making messes. I have noticed a few things. On Monday's Bode goes to preschool all morning. Laine just follows me around, plays with her dolls, looks at books, snuggles her daddy or colors. She was meant to be an only child and loves that time when it is just her. The second Bode gets home it is like a bomb goes off. There are shoes everywhere. Not just his shoes, somehow all the shoes in the house magically come out to greet his shoes, papers go flying, all the stuffed animals are on the floor, all the books become race tracks and are now littering every imaginable walk way upstairs. Then when it comes to picking up the mess... his bones hurt and he has all at once lost the ability to walk, pick up toys or talk without whining. I know one day I will miss the messes, and my sweet young children. I keep telling myself that as I trip over the millionth toy or step on the tiny but painful legos. I will miss these messes.

  • My dear husband has been slaving away the last week or so fixing our cars. The tahoe had an oil leak so we took it to the dealership to see what the deal was. They called us back an hour later telling us that there were a number of things wrong with it and for a measly $3,500 they could fix it up, when should they start? Lucky for me I married a man unafraid to tackle a car project. He, along with a friend who used to be mechanic, spent a couple of long days and fixed it all for a fraction of the price the dealership quoted us. After replacing the water pump, rear main seal, all the fluids, a ton of other seals, more cars words... and the car battery we are good to go! While this was going on and the tahoe was undrivable the alero decided to not work as well. Good thing that was a ten dollar fix. We have had the tahoe for almost 5 years and this is the most repair we have had to do to it. It is a good car and I am glad to have it to haul my little kids around in. Some days I want a new flashy car, but that is all it is, a want. I don't need a new car. I am very happy to have my tahoe. Now the alero on the other hand... I think its days in the Joncas driveway are numbered.  Thank you Jer for working so hard and fixing the car!

  • I am 15 weeks 6 days pregnant according to my ultrasound and the size of the fetus. Officially in the 2nd trimester. I am feeling really good these days. Not so sick and grouchy. I have gotten my energy back and my husband, kids and house are grateful I am sure. We have been going back and forth on thinking this is the last baby we will have. For many reasons three could be it. That is today, that could change next week though. But for now I am thinking last pregnancy. If it is my last then I feel like I need to savor it. I have been feeling little movements. Mostly at night when I am still. Those are nice reassuring feelings. So special. I also know that I do not want to be induced at all. I was with Bode and that labor was hard. Recovery took a long time. With Laine I wasn't induced and it was a much easier labor and recovery. So I know that for sure I don't want to be induced, no pitocin (sp) or other contraction inducing medicines. I want to labor at home longer than I did with Laine. I am also even thinking I don't want an epidural.... yikes. I know my husband isn't to fond of the idea but I think it would be something I would like to do. Any thoughts?


  1. Just looked at your blog from jills- looks like you guys have been busy! and the no epidural caught my eye-- if you can do it then you are AWESOME! i don't think i would ever try it without one.

  2. pregnancy is hard. it took 3 years since the twins birth for me to feel ready again.. and i am sure this is our last. i am tired! i want to be myself again.

    if you wanna do it natural, go for it. each baby comes faster, or so i've heard. i was induced with brynn, mase came on his own, twins c-section.. this one i am gonna try to vbac.. but can't labor for long at home because of the risks of uterine rupture (yikes!). i can't be induced either (they wont on a previous c-section)... and i don't want another section! so good luck. lots of choices. you are superwoman, you can do it!

  3. Of course, you know I lived through FIVE births without any painkillers. You could do it. My observation with epidurals is you are less connected with your baby and birth. You can come through it all and feel like you have been run over by a truck but when it is over it is over and you were fully present. Something to be said for that.

    PS I loved the stories. Read them to Dad and we had a good laugh. Those children might be a handful but they are worth their weight in gold. They also have great entertainment value!

  4. Just wanted to say that I love reading your blog!


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