Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Should have done this weeks ago...

Bode has been very grumpy the last month or so. I figured we were just going through a rough phase. He was fighting with Laine over everything, not listening, just being over all hard to deal with. He would tell me he was too tired to pick up his toys, put on his shoes or eat dinner. I just thought it was an excuse. But no, he was telling the truth. He was just to tired! Since the summer season is just right around the corner the sun has been coming up sooner and going down later. Normally Bode would go to bed around 7:30 and get up around 7:00. But since it is so nice in the evening I let them play until the sun went down and he would end up going to bed closer to 8-8:30. Then he would literally be up at the crack of dawn. I would hear him around 6 but I know he was up earlier than that most days. So a few nights ago after a particularly fight ridden, scream fest, water everywhere bath Jeremiah got a bunch of cardboard paper and taped up his whole window and we put the kid to sleep at 7. He didn't wake up until 8:30 the next morning. That has been the case every night since Jer taped off the window. Lucky for me Laine doesn't wake up until she hears Bode so everyone has been getting a full nights sleep. Now Bode has the perfect little cave to sleep in every night. Why didn't we think of that sooner?

On a little side note. See the ginormous stuffed bear Bode is sleeping with? It was mine when I was little. One Christmas all I wanted was a giant stuffed animal. He is what I got. It is a big comfy bear. I slept with it every night. My mom found it when she cleaned out her attic and returned him to me. I was tempted to just give it to Goodwill of throw it out but he tugged on my heart strings. Kind of a Toy Story relationship, I remember putting a green ribbon around the bears neck so none of the other toys would pinch him on St. Patricks day. :) and I couldn't toss it. I tried to give it to Bode when I got it back and his exact words were "ewwe gross". So he has been sitting in a box in the garage ever since. We cleaned out the garage this last week and uncovered him. This time the reaction was different. Bode wanted the bear and so did Laine. Ever since they have been lugging him around the house playing with it. It is huge, old and in the way but I am glad they like it.


  1. Good idea! :)

    And, one Christmas all I wanted was a giant stuffed animal too. I got a giant shaggy dog.

  2. It was the same Christmas. I remember because you wanted it first. Mom kept asking me if I only wanted a big stuffed animal because you wanted one. I am sure that it why I wanted it :)

  3. Aww poor boy, we too have had this problem, and I think we may be taping up some windows tonight!!!

  4. we use blackout curtains in the kids room... it helps a bit. but we still put them down about 7 or 7:30... and that ensures enough sleep. They need it! ;)


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