Monday, January 17, 2011

And she is...


Can someone tell me when that happened? Actually, that's not true. Laine looks an feels every bit of her 2 years on this earth. Laine is full of spunk and we love her to death. She is really getting to be a lot of fun. 

  • It looks as though one of her biggest accomplishments from the age of one to two was growing hair. She loves to get her hair blown dry and she won't let you forget to put in her "pruties".
  • She almost always wakes up happy in the morning. She wakes up around seven but hangs out in her crib until about eight or so. She normally doesn't cry but just calls for Bode or me to get her out. Then before she gets out she must have her bear, "poo-pa" (pillow pet)  and "ganky" (pink blanky).
  • She spends her days playing with Bode, raiding the fridge, running around outside and still takes one afternoon nap to keep her energy up.
  • She would really like to sleep in her big girl bed, but mom is not on board with that yet. She is very mischievous and we are not ready to let her roam the house after hours yet.
  • She loves people and isn't shy at getting attention. But once she gets it she calms up and won't say a word or smile. She just stares with her big blue eyes.
  • She is learning new words everyday. This has really helped with her little tantrums. She likes that she can say something and I know what she wants.
  • She loves babies. Both real and make believe. 
  • After she gets up from her afternoon nap she again wants her bear, "poo-pa" and "ganky". Then she demands to know where Bode is and wants to be tucked in on the couch to watch a show.
  • Laine is fast. She can pump her arms and get her feet going so fast I think she is going to fall. But she is quite coordinated and can keep up with Bode almost step for step. She figured out how to ride a trike very fast and loves her scooter. She also is very good at running around and kicking a soccer ball.
  • Laine has just figured out that she can take on and off her clothes. It is not uncommon to get her up from her nap and find her buck naked, grinning ear to ear waiting for you to say something.
  • and today she pooed in the potty today! What a big girl. I am not going to push the potty training on her until she is completely ready. Looks as though she might be ready...

Here she is, two years old ready to take on her little world. We love this girl so, so much. I am exited for her to grow and develop even more of her sweet personality this up coming year.


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